2009-06-22 Conference Call

2009-06-22 Conference Call


Time: Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-862-7200 #167964




  1. Review Old Action Items
  2. Project Status Update
  3. Review Carryover Agenda Items
    1. Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion
    2. Statement about what it means to be an official or unofficial client (May 2009 Conference Call) CAS Client Home
  4. Update to RFC Process (Incubation clarifications, official client clarifications, etc.)
    1. Do we need a more detailed RFC Process, specifically including requirements for incubation?
  5. Status of RFCs
  6. ClearPass Analysis (holding spot until we determine if its worth it to send out to the list)
    1. Can the Controller just be a normal controller protected by the CAS client, and thus relies on the proxy checking capabilities of the client?
    2. Instead of EhCache and a custom CredentialsCache interface, can we find a cache that relies on either (a) the map interface or (b) the cache interface?
    3. Package structure
    4. Long term storage of password in memory?
  7. Community Call
  8. ACAMP Summary
  9. Renaming CAS


Absent a quorum, call canceled.

Actions Items


  1. Scott: Pull together public timeline for CAS 4
  2. Eric: Convert login page to HTML for distribution
  3. Eric: Feature set/Support Third Party Apps