CAS Description for Jasig Conference Programs

CAS Description for Jasig Conference Programs

Purpose of this page

For a couple years running now the Jasig conference printed program has included a description of Jasig products including CAS. This page exists to maintain and collaborate upon that description.

Jasig CAS is a full-featured open source single sign-on product that has been deployed at universities, non-profits, non-government organizations, governments, small businesses, and large corporations around the world. CAS consists of a Java Servlet application server product and client libraries for integration with that server in several languages and for the Apache httpd and Microsoft IIS web server platforms. CAS supports the CAS1 and CAS2 protocols allowing for simple single sign-on, as well as proxy (delegated) authentication. Proxy authentication allows an application, such as a portal, to authenticate to additional resources on an end user's behalf without exposing a password. CAS can easily integrate with many credential, attribute, and identity stores. Out of the box, CAS includes authentication support for LDAP (including Active Directory), databases, SPNEGO/NTLM, X.509 certificates, containers, and RADIUS. For the enterprise-minded, CAS supports several options for clustering CAS server state for high availability. CAS gives institutions the ability to audit who is accessing which service, as well as gather statistics about each server. The Java client includes modules to ease integration with Jasig's own uPortal, and Atlassian's Confluence and JIRA. Other clients range from Cold Fusion, Ruby, and Perl to IIS, PAM, and PL/SQL. The community has also contributed their expertise in "CASifying" a wide range of applications including Joomla, OpenCms, FishEye & Crucible, Roller, Liferay, Wordpress, Zimbra, Banner, and Peoplesoft.