2009-07-27 Conference Call
2009-07-27 Conference Call
Time: Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-862-7200 #167964
- Review of Old Action Items / Business
- RFCs
- CAS Clients
- Marketing
- CASifying Outlook - Resolution?
- mod_cas CCCI ISAPI Client "Issues"
- Brainstorming of Key CAS Positions
- ClearPass / CampusEAI
- Conferences
- Next Community Call
- Elections
- New terms begin in September, however newly elected representatives will be invited to the August call.
- Chair of the steering committee is currently the technical representative. Jonathan proposed that the steering committee selected chair instead.
- Vote for the technical representative needs to happen ASAP.
- RFCs
- CASShib - stalled
- Status of the RFCs should be reviewed at the next community call.
- Renaming CAS
- We should come up with a specific recommendation or recommendations for potential new name, and analyze what impacts the new name might have, before presenting a recordation to the board.
- August 2009 Community Call is August 12 at 2pm.
- Clients
- Is the steering committee OK with the grid attributes?
- Marketing
- Scott talked to Jim Layne, they're working on it, will try to have it addressed soon.
- CASifying Outlook
- Still need documentation to recommend an alternative.
- Sacramento State might have CASified Outlook, but unclear if they have time to write it up or if they're even using it at all.
- mod_cas
- CCCI has updated wiki.
- Yale says don't use mod_cas anymore.
- Conferences
- Items for CAS development at the unconference?
- ClearPass
- How much support is CampusEAI willing to provide?
- What we want: a committer willing to commit to timely releases of bugs, patches, fixes, and any changes needed to work with CAS server updates. Maintenance, not development.
- CAS Positions/Roles
- Potential roles include documentation coordinator, documentation writer (including both the webpages and the wiki), marketing, UI developers, CAS client community liaison, release engineer, testing/QA, technical lead, committer, steering committee member.
- Jonathan can add language to help institutions justify this work.
Action Items
- Scott: Notify the new Andrews about call logistics.
- Scott: Draft a proposed change to the bylaws to allow the steering committee to select the chair.
- Scott: Ask the committers to vote for the technical representative.
- All: Think about potential new names for CAS, what we are looking for in a new name, and what impacts a new name will have.
- All: Review grid attributes by 7/31.
- Scott: Review text of client descriptions against grid attributes.
- Scott: Send client descriptions to community lists with request for review by Friday 8/7.
- Eric: Send mail to the lists asking if anybody has CASified Outlook, both to see who is using the previous recommended version and to see if anybody has done something different.
- Scott: Send mod_cas announcement to announce list, user list, and newsletter.
- Benn, Scott: Discuss unconference development ideas with Eric D.
- David: Help put together something on marketing position.
- All: At "job descriptions" to the list of potential roles.