Staff Personas

Staff Personas

The primary form of the staff persona is the administration employee of a university, college, or trade school.

Main characteristics

  • 25-65 years of age
  • Most likely Digital Immigrants - they have migrated to technology
  • Have experience and are comfortable with some technology (usually specific to their job tasks) but may or may not understand how it works
  • Phone, email, and written document are primary forms of communication
  • Spend a significant amount of time in the academic/business administration environment
  • Are concerned about the intstitution's administration and their job success and satisfaction
  • Are not (usually) concerned with the teaching/learning or research aspects of the institution

Amanda Admin

Amanda represents the university administration employees. Amanda has a job as an Accounting Specialist in the Department of Pyschology for a large university. She is tasked with preparing, processesing, verifying, and encoding online invoices and recording entries into the university fincancial software. Amanda is responsible for tracking cash, travel reimbursements, reconciling spreadsheets, expensing against grant funds, and working closely with faculty and staff to adhere to strict federal regulations and university guidelines.

Linda Librarian

Linda represents the university library employees. Linda is a Library Director for a specialized institute/trade school. Linda is responsible for the planning, implementation, and supervision of all the LRC/Library operations. This responsibility includes managing library staff, tracking and organizing the LRC's periodicals, subscriptions and holdings, supervising the maintenance and development of the LRC circulation system, including the tracking of overdue materials and the levy of fines, and developing and tracking LRC annual budgets and maintaining bookkeeping records of all orders and expenditures.

Frank Facilities

Frank represents the university facilities and services employees. Frank is an Utility Piping Specialist for the Plumbing Services department of the University Services division. Frank is tasked with installing, repairing, and maintaining the university plumbing systems.


What is a persona?