UE Design Review

UE Design Review

Items listed on this page are in need of design review. The purpose of a design review is for other designers and developers to give input and feedback and is not a user test. Click here for designs that are up for user testing.

How to get a design review

For a page to be listed here, it needs to have the design_review label.

Review Criteria

All feedback is welcome, but a design should be evaluated against portal requirements and user experience goals.

Review Duration

Design reviews can be open for as long as is desired. The design will remain listed on this page as long as it has the design_review label. When a design review period is finished, simply remove the design_review label. If the design should be reviewed again at a later date after revisions, simply add the design_review label again.

Providing a review

Design review can happen by posting comments on the page or by creating a new page connected to the design containing a deeper analysis or review.

Up For Design Review

uPortal 2.x

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

uPortal 3