Student Personas

The primary form of the student persona is the recent high school graduate seeking an undergraduate degree by attending a university, college, or trade school.

Main characteristics

  • 17-23 years of age
  • Categorized as Digital Natives and Millennials - they have grown up with technology
  • Have experience and are comfortable with technology even though they may not understand it
  • Email, chat/IM, and cell phones are primary forms of communication
  • Spend a significant amount of time on entertainment and games
  • Prefer an environment with multiple forms of simultaneous sensory input (music playing while reading, for example)

Yahoo research - UP3:The Internet is Mainstream

Suzy Socialite

Suzy represents the online socialite. Staying in touch with her friends and communities is of utmost importance. While not concerned with technology per se, Suzy utilizes online technology to stay connected. Suzy is an AIM and Skype power-user and has a thriving MySpace presence.

Nate NetGen

Nate represents the typical digital native. Laptop, iPod, and wireless Bluetooth headset are ever-present parts of his lifestyle. He blogs about the hip and cool and is dedicated to a MMORPG.

Adam Athlete

Adam represents the student athlete. Adam has a starting role on the college basketball team. Adam travels across the country with the basketball team to play games against other schools. Because of his travel, Adam often has to take his classwork with him and needs to have the capability for distance learning to balance the demands of his sport with his desire to get a degree.

Rhonda Returning

Rhonda represents the returning student, a significant variation of the student persona. Dropping out of college after graduating high school 14 years ago, she is now a single mother with two children and a full-time day job. Taking online classes in the evening, she is serious about finishing her education to better her life. Rhonda does not have time to keep up with technology or spend on entertainment. The Internet is both useful and uncomfortable at the same time.

Isha International

Isha represents the international student. Though currently attending a university in the United States, Isha comes from a culture significantly different than the Western culture of the U.S. Isha's ability to attend the university comes from her family and she knows that they have high expectations for her academic performance. Isha will likely return to her country following graduation. In the meantime, she tries to sort out the differences in language and culture and the deal with the restrictions and stereotypes of being a foreign student.

Paul Postgrad

Paul represents the postgraduate student pursuing a Masters or PhD degree. He's trying to balance the demands of classes and research papers, being a TA, trying to earn enough money to get by, and having some shred of a social life.


What is a persona?