Report | Description | Criteria | Display |
General Reports |
Caseload Activity Report | The Caseload Activity Report allows users to view the SSP activities by coach. The activity identifiers include Journal Entries, Tasks from the Action Plan and Early Alerts. The search is performed by coach only to filter the list in the report. Students considered for the report do not have to be assigned to the selected/displayed coach to be counted. | - Assigned Coach
- Home Department
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Date Range Activity Term/Date
| - Coach First Name
- Coach Last Name
- Journal Entries Created
- Student Journal Entry Count (distinct number of students)
- Action Tasks Created
- Student Action Tasks Count (distinct number of students)
- Early Alerts Created
- Student Early Alert Count (distinct number of students)
- Early Alerts Responded
Counseling Reference Guide | The Counseling Reference Guide report lists each of the Challenges and associated Referrals defined | (no criteria) | - Challenge name
- Referral Name
- Referral Description
Counselor Case Management Report | The Counselor Case Management Report allows users to view the students in a caseload. The report identifies key academic indicators and SSP attributes for each student. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
- Referral Source
- Student Entered Term/Date
- Anticipated Start Term
- Anticipated Start Year
| - Student Name
- Student ID
- Phone (home)
- Phone (cell)
- Student Type
- Program Status
- Cumulative GPA
- Currently Registered Indicator
- Actual Start Term
- Actual Start Year
- Special Service Groups
- Coach
- Active Major
- Primary Email Address
Current Caseload Statuses Report | The Current Caseload Statuses Report allows users to view the assigned caseload for each coach. The caseload is described for each coach by student count for each program status. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
| - Coach First Name
- Coach Last Name
- Department
- Total Count
- Active Count
- Inactive Count
- Transitioned Count
- Non-Participating Count
- No Show Count
Disability Services Report | The Disability Service Report allows users to view student that are provided accommodations based on a disability. The report includes information about the agency providing services. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- ODS Counselor
- Disability Status
- Disability Type
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
- Referral Source
- Student Added Date Range
- Term Registered
- Actual Start Term
- Actual Start Year
- Anticipated Start Term
- Anticipated Start Year
| - Student Name
- Student ID
- Disability
- SSP Status
- ODS Status
- ODS Reason for Ineligibility
- ODS Registration Date
- Registration Status
- Major
- Veteran Status
- Ethnicity
- Assignment Date
- Agency Contact
- SSP Coach
General Student Report | The General Student Report allows users to search for students active in SSP by multiple criteria. With multiple criteria available, any student can be identified using this report. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reasons
- Special Service Groups
- Referral Source
- Student Entered Term/Date
- Actual Start Term
- Actual Start Year
- Anticipated Start Term
- Anticipated Start Year
| - First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student Id
- Student Type
- Address
- City
- State
- Phone (Home)
- Email (Primary)
- Email (Home)
- Active Major (Program of Study)
- Academic Standing
- Cumulative GPA
- Special Service Groups
Special Services Report | The Special Services Report allows users to view the students in selected Special Service Groups. The report is generally used to identify students beyond the standard student types and program statuses. | - Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Group
| - Student ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student Type
- Special Services
Special Services Course Report | The Special Services Course Report allows users to identify students and the assigned special services based on the enrollment status and grades. The enrollment statuses must be defined as: Withdrawal – A “1” indicates that the student withdrew from the course. This field will always be populated with a “1” on this report. This field will never have a “0” on this report Withdrawal Fail – A “1” indicates that the student stopped participating after the 60% point in the semester, so the student is withdrawn but also failed the course. There should not be a “0” in this category, only a “1” when applicable. The student either received a “WF” or they received another letter grade. Total Withdrawal – A “1” indicates that the student has “totally withdrawn” from all courses. There should not be a “0” in this category, only a “1” when applicable. D Grade – A “1” in this field represents that the student earned a “D” grade at the end of the course. It is not related to withdrawal status. F Grade – A “1” in this field represents that the student earned an “F” at the end of the course. It is not related to withdrawal status. If WF=1, must F Grade also =1? – WF and F should be reported separately because they have distinct meanings. A WF indicates that the student stopped participating in the course beyond the 60% point and there could be additional implications. A “F” is an earned grade and signifies that the student participated in the course, but failed.
| - Specials Services Groups
- Home Campus
- Course Status
- Course Grade
- Course Term or Course Dates
| - Student ID
- Student Name
- Special Services
- Home Campus
- Term
- Course
- Course Title
- Instructor
- Status (Course Enrollment)
- Grade
Student Challenges (added in v2.7) | The Student Challenges report identifies and summarizes the challenges students/coaches select when completing the Intake form | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- WatchList For
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Group
- Referral Source
- Student Home Campus
- Student Added
- Term Intake Complete
- Anticipated Start
| - Student ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student Type
- Campus
- Coach
Early Alert Reports |
Early Alert Case Counts Report | The Early Alert Case Counts report shows a summary of Early Alerts by term. Data is displayed in aggregate form for cases, responses and status. | | - Term
- Total Students
- Total Cases
- Total Responded To
- Percent Responded To
- Total Closed
- Percent Closed
Early Alert Course Counts Report (added in v2.6.0) | The Early Alert Course Counts reports shows a list of course with the number of students and alert submitted for the report scope. | | - Campus
- Term
- Course Title
- Course
- Total Students
- Total Alerts
Early Alert Reason Counts Report (added in v2.6.0) | The Early Alert Reason reports shows a summary of the reasons submitted for the report scope. Each student included in the summary is detailed to show the course and number of reasons | | - Campus
- Term
- Student ID
- Last
- First
- Course
- Instructor
- Number of Reasons
Early Alert Student Report (updated in v2.7) | The Early Alert Student Report allows users to search for students with Early Alerts and determine that number and status of alerts for a department and/or coach. | - Campus
- Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Watchlist for
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
- Early Alert Created Term/Date
| - First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
- Email (primary)
- Open Count
- Closed Count
- Pending Count
- Total Count
Early Alert Student Referral Report (updated in v2.7) | The Early Alert Student Referral report allows users to search for students that were referred to specific offices or resources based on the Early Alert response. | - Campus
- Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Watchlist for
- Program Status
- Referred To
- Earl Alert Response Create Date Range
- Early Alert Created Term or Date Range
| - First Name
Middle Name - Last Name
- Student ID
- Email (primary)
- Email (alternate)
- Counselor
Early Alert Student Progress Report | The Early Alert Student Progress allows users to search for students assigned to a department and/or coach to compare the number of Early Alerts for two different terms. The report show counts of Early Alerts for each term selected. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Watchlist for
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
- Initial Term
- Comparative Term
| - First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
- Email (primary)
- Registration Status
- EA Initial
- EA Comparison
- Counselor
Early Alert Student Outreach Report | The Early Alert Student Outreach Report allows users to determine the effectiveness of outreach types based on a selected outcome. | - Campus
- Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Watchlist for
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Group
- Outcome
- Early Alert Response Created Date Range
- Early Alert Created Term or Date Range
| - Summary: Total Early Alerts with Responses, Total Outreaches
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
- Email (primary)
- Outreach
- Counselor
Early Alert Student Outcome Report | The Early Alert Student Outcome Report lists the outcomes associated with Early Alerts submitted for students. | - Campus
- Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Watchlist for
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Group
- Outcome
- Early Alert Response Created Date Range
- Early Alert Response Created Term/Date
| - Summary: Total Early Alerts with Responses, Outcome total by outcome
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
- Email (primary)
- Outcome
- Counselor
Journal/Task Reports |
Journal Case Count Report | The Journal Case Count report lists students with details of the number of Journal entries and the last entry date. | - Home Department
- Assigned Coach
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reasons
- Special Service Groups
- Journal Created
| - Student ID
- Student Name
- Program Status
- Coach
- Has Notes
- Notes Count
- Last Journal Entry Date
Journal Step Details Report | The Journal Details Report allows users to determine what students have completed selected Journal details. | - Assigned Coach Department
- Assigned Coach
- Program Status
- Student Type
- Service Reason
- Special Service Groups
- Completion criteria
- Journal step
- Journal entry date/term
- Journal Entry Created Term/Date
| - School ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Counselor
- Journal Detail
MAP Reports | | | |
Number of Courses in Plans | The Number of Courses in Plans report allows users to determine the number of students with select courses and terms that exist on plans (active and inactive) | - Subject Abbreviations
- Course Numbers
- Plan Status
- Term
| - Summary: Term, Subject Abbreviation, Number
- Course
- Course Title
- Number of Students
Number of Plans by Advisor | The Number of Plans by Advisor report allows users to determine the total number of plans created by coaches/advisors for a selected term | | - Summary: Term/Date
- Coach
- Active Plans
- Inactive Plans
- Total Plans
Number of Students by Status | The Number of Students by Status report allows users to determine the active plan status for students with select coursed courses on their plan | - Subject Abbreviations
- Course Numbers
- Term
| - Summary: Term, Subject Abbreviation, Number, total Courses, Total Students
- Subject Abbreviation
- Course Number
- Student ID
- Plan Status
- Off Plan Details