SSP Message Queue

SSP Message Queue

Applicable version: v2.8.0


SSP inserts all email requests in a database table for all user and system generated emails.  Each rows contains the details of the email including the subject, body, sender and recipient(s).  A background job attempts to send all emails every 2.5 minutes resulting in an update to the row with the status.  A separate, configurable background process archives rows of a certain age (by number of days) into a separate archive table.  For rows that exist in the active table, the rows may not be viewed by SSP administrators in the Message Queue.  The Message Queue form is available to display all details of a message.  For archived messages, please contact your system administrator. 


Message Summary

SentSuccessful sent status (Yes or No)
SubjectUser or system provided subject
SenderSender's first and last name
Created OnDate the message was created
RecipientRecipient email address(es)
Sent DateDate the message was successfully sent

Message Details Example


Double-clicking on any message row opens the details of the entire message as the example below shows