SSP v2.X Glossary

SSP v2.X Glossary



Accommodation ToolThe Accommodation Tool allows for disability offices to track and support students with disabilities and the appropriate accommodations.

Action Plan Tool

Action Plan Tool is similar in function to a "To Do List" used by all counselors to assign Action Items to students, typically originating from the Counseling Reference Guide. The Action Items form the Action Plan.

Active (program status)

Refers to a student who is actively participating in a SSP program

Actual Start TermThe actual start term can be defined for each student in the external data (external_person.actual_start_term). The most common definition is the term during which the student first started taking classes. However, the actual meaning is up to the implementer. The field is used in Reports and Student Search.


The SSP administrator is assigned the administrator role and is responsible for configuring the application with values and options to support SSP

Anticipated Start TermThe anticipated start term can be defined for each student in the Student Profile by editing a student that appears in a Caseload or Student Search result. The most common definition is the term the student expects to first enroll. However, the actual meaning is up to the implementer. The value is displayed in the Main Tool and used in Reports.


Caseload is the list and number of students assigned to a coach for counseling services

Caseload Assignment

Caseload Assignment is the tool used to add students to SSP, assign coaches and add additional coaching information

Challenges tab (Student Intake)

Inventory of potential barriers to academic success as identified by the student

Class Roster (Early Alert)

List of each student in a particular class. Faculty can create an Early Alert by selecting the student in the Roster and creating a new Early Alert entry

Comments (Journal)

Free form information included in a Journal entry

Confidentiality Agreement

Disclosure agreement that can be provided to students engage in service to outline the expectations and responsibilities of each party.

Confidentiality Level

Confidentiality Levels are used to define levels of control within a Role

Counseling Reference Guide

Counseling Reference Guide is used to assist in the completion of the Action Plans, and is typically considered a counseling knowledge base of predefined issues and possible solutions for student challenges. 

Counselor Notifications

Counselor Notifications are visual or email notifications of specific changes to student records

Cutoff TermThe last term to consider for plan to transcript term matching.  The cutoff term is configurable while the current term is used if the configuration item does not exist or if the configured value is in the past.

Demographics tab (Student Intake)

Biographical information about the student

Details (Journal)

Common outcomes of steps associated to tracks

Documents ToolThe Documents tool allows users to store file in SSP for students.  The allowable file types and sizes are configurable.

Early Alert

Early Alert is the process and tool for faculty to notify counselors about a potential issue with a student. Process includes feedback from counselors to faculty. 

Early Alert Closed

Early Alert Closed refers to an Early Alert notice on a student that has been completely addressed by a counselor

Early Alert Completed

Early Alert Completed refers to a student who has resolved all his/her Early Alert notices. The student type is EAL 

Early Alert Responded

Early Alert Responded refers to an Early Alert notice on a student that has received intervention services 

EduGoal tab (Student Intake)

Inventory of education/career goal along with intended major and occupation

EduLevel tab (Student Intake)

Inventory of education levels previously completed

EduPlan tab (Student Intake)

Checklist for creating a plan

ElectivesElective types are assigned to planned courses to indicate application to degree requirement completion
F1Indicates the student's visa status
FAFSAFederal Application for Financial Student Aid
FA AwardIndicates the student did or did not receive financial aid for the current academic year
FA AmountIndicates the financial aid award amount

Funding tab (Student Intake)

Inventory of funding sources

Goals (Action Plan)

Specific accomplishments identified for the student

Inactive (program status)

Refers to a student who was once active in ILP or CAP, but has not participated in either program for 180 days; note that a counselor can force a non-participating status.


The Journal tool allows authorized user to save journal entries or notes about interaction with a student

Loan AmountThe total loan amount offered to the student
MAPMy Academic Plan is the tool that allows advisors/coaches to develop a plan(s)
MAP NotesNotes can be placed on plans and templates at three levels: plan/template, term and course
MyGPSMyGPS is the student facing application that provide students access to assigned tasks and those discovered through Self Help Guides.  Student can view and complete tasks through MyGPS.  Additionally, students may complete the intake form if a coach assigns the task to the student.

No Show (program status)

Refers to a student who was not present for his/her first appointment, and is still a no show after repeated attempts by the counselor to contact him/her. These students are identified as having received no services.

Non-Participating (program status)

Refers to a student who was once active in ILP or CAP, but has not participated in either program for 180 days; note that a counselor can force a non-participating status.

Notes ToolThe Notes tool displays comments, notes, etc from external systems within SSP.  The source and amount of content is completely dependent upon the implementation/decisions.  Information is display only, and the Journal tool should be used for new comments, notes, etc.
On PlanThere is an exact match of courses for each transcripted term with the terms and courses on the active plan.  For planned terms after the current term including the calculation cutoff term without a matching transcript term, the Plan is considered on plan until the transcript data diverges from the plan.
Off PlanAt least one term has a planned course that does not exist in the matching transcripted term or a transcripted course matching a planned courses was not passed.
On Track (Sequence)At least one term has a planned course that does not exist in the matching transcripted term but the course(s) that did not match was completed in a different transcripted term with a passing grade
On Track (Substitutions)At least one term has a planned course that does not exist in the matching transcripted term but the course(s) that did not match fulfill the planned course requirement based on a substitutable course the student completed with a passing grade

Outcomes (Early Alert)

Responses for Coaches to provide feedback to a faculty member based on an action taken for the Early Alert notification

Outreaches (Early Alert)

Types of contacts that Coaches attempt to reach a student in response to an Early Alert notification

PlanPlans are the individual student plans for future coursework located in the MAP tool
Plan StatusA plan status can be identified for each student through the external data.  The calculation of plan status is not calculated in SSP, only displayed from the external data.  Typically, plan status reflects on or off plan for the student.

Personal tab (Student Intake)

Collection of primary identification and contact information


Group of tools within the SSP Platform. For example: SSP, Early Alert and Reports


The Profile Tool displays academic information about the student normally copied from the student information system

Program Status

Program Status indicates the status of a student's current participation in SSP. Program Statuses should be changed when the student's participation changes. Students can only be assigned on student type but could be receiving services from multiple departments.

Reasons (Early Alert)

Explanations for the Early Alert purpose. It provides information to the Coaches and explains the purpose for the Early Alert notification. Only one Referral Reason can be defined per Early Alert by priority. This tool also has the ability to associate specific referral reasons with how those EAL should be routed if no Coaches is assigned

RestrictionsList of restrictions currently assigned to the student

Manage Users (Security)

The Manage Users portlet allows an administrator or manager to assign SSP role and confidentiality levels to users

SAPSatisfactory Academic Progress used to indicate financial aid eligibility for student's progress towards degree

Security Role

Roles exist to provide security by user function (portlets, tools and pages).

Self Help GuideSelf Help Guides are displayed in the student interface for student self help. The Guide is a collection of previously defined and assigned Challenges and Referrals.  The Counseling Reference Guide must be populated with Challenges before a Self Help Guide can be developed.  Once the guide is created, available Challenge Questions can be assigned through a browse and/or search utility.

Source (Journal)

Indicates the source of the Journal information

Special Service Group

Each implementing institution creates entries to identify groups, clubs, profiles, etc. of students. Groups are assigned to students in Caseload Management and used for reporting purposes.

SSP Platform

The SSP application bundled with the uPortal framework

StandingAcademic standing as defined by the institution

Step (Journal)

Pre-determined points of contact associated with a track

Strengths (Action Plan)

Self identified abilities documented in the Action Plan

Student AddedThe student added report criteria refers to the date on which the student was added to SSP. Common use of the student added criteria is to find students who were added on a certain date or period.

Student Intake Tool

Student Intake Tool is the Intake Form to collect information from students.

Student Success Plan Database

Student Success Plan Database is often referred to as the ILP Database, and contains electronic counseling records for students. 

Student SyncThe external sync starts by selecting a batch of person records.  The selection specifies a filter to only include active persons.  The batch selection returns the current page, i.e. batch, of results, plus a count of the total possible records the sync looks at the latter to figure out whether it needs to keep requesting more batches/patchesbatches/pages, rather.  With the person records, the sync identifies the appropriate external person records and updates the person records.

Suggestions (Early Alert)

Faculty suggestions in the EAL tool. The Faculty Suggestion generally recommends a next step for the Coaches and student

TAGTAGs are course attributes that are assigned to courses that make identification of desired courses to place on a plan easier to locate

Tasks (Action Plan)

To-do items for students to complete based on the coaching session or challenges identified

TemplateTemplates are documented pathways to degree/program completion located in the MAP tool.  Templates can be saved as plans for students to quickly create a plan.


Group of functions used to provide service to students. For example: Student Intake, Journal and Action Plan

Track (Journal)

Categories of Journal entries

Transitioned (program status)

Student completed the active SSP program