SSP v2.0.X uPortal/SSP-Platform Administrator Permissions

SSP v2.0.X uPortal/SSP-Platform Administrator Permissions

Applicable versions: 2.0.X.  The administrator permissions were added by default in v2.1.0


Adding uPortal/SSP-Platform Administrator Permissions to the SSP Administrator Role

Prior to SSP version 2.1.0, members of the SSP_ADMINISTRATOR group were not automatically considered system-wide administrators. Post-2.1.0 behavior can be enabled, though, by making the SSP_ADMINISTRATOR group a child of the Portal Administrators group:

  1. Log in as a Portal Administrator
  2. Choose the Manage Users portlet
  3. In the Manage Access menu (on the right hand side), select Manage Groups.

Manage Groups

  1. Select Manage Groups
  2. Select Groups of People
  3. Select Portal System
  4. Select Portal Administrators
  5. To the right of the Portal Administrators header, select the green plus icon (it will change to a red minus icon)
  6. Select Next
  7. On the right side of the page, choose Edit Members
  8. Select SSP Roles to expand available roles
    1. Choose SSP_ADMINISTRATOR from the list
  9. On the right hand side, enter SSP_ADMINISTRATOR and click Go
  10. Select SSP_ADMINISTRATOR from the results
  11. SSP_ADMINISTRATOR will appear next to the Your Select header
  12. Select the green plus icon to add to the list
  13. SSP_ADMINISTRATOR will appear on the right side under Your Selections
  14. Select Save to complete