SSP Sample Instance

SSP Sample Instance


Updated January 3, 2015 for the SSP 2.6.0 release


An image has been created in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows interested parties quickly deploy and instance of SSP.  The image is based on a recent build of SSP and contains sample data for coaches and students.  The instance can ONLY be used in an AWS environment and could be up and running in less than an hour.  To begin, you must have an AWS account with rights to create a new instance.


The instructions cover searching for the public image, using the image to deploy an instance and recommendations for the instance.  

Primary Users

  • SSP Administrator
    • username: admin
    • password: admin
  • Database Owner: 
    • dbms: postgresql is running locally on the instance and starts automatically
    • database: ssp
    • username: sspadmin
    • password: sspadmin

Sample SSP Users

Below is a list of sample users available in the application.  The password for each is 'password0'.  Logging in as a coach is the best place to start.  Students in the list will be available via the Student Search using the student ID.  MyGPS access is also available by logging in with a student username.


Coach UsernameStudent UsernameFaculty Username