SSP v2.2 or Earlier Message Template Definitions

SSP v2.2 or Earlier Message Template Definitions

SSP Message Template List

Applicable Versions: 1.X through 2.2


The Message Templates define the default email text for notifications and MAP printouts.  The message templates combine static text with variables to form the messages and printouts.  The database is loaded with sample templates that should be changed before use.  Each of the available templates are defined below with examples and the template codes.  Variables available for message templates are defined on this page.


Template NameDescription
Action Plan EmailMessage describing the tasks, goals and strengths in the student's Action Plan
Action Plan Step EmailReminder message sent to students when an Action Plan task is due
Contact Coach EmailMessage sent to a student's assigned coach/advisor from MyGPS
Custom Action Plan Task EmailReminder message sent to students when a custom Action Plan task is due
Early Alert Confirmation to AdvisorMessage sent from system to advisor when faculty member sends an alert
Early Alert Confirmation to FacultyMessage sent from system to faculty member when faculty member sends an alert
Early Alert Journal EntryThe text stored in the comments field of the Journal Entry created for an Early Alert response.
Early Alert Response to Faculty from CoachMessage sent to faculty member (creator of the alert) when the Advisor responds via SSP
Early Alert Sent to StudentMessage sent from system to student when faculty member sends an early alert
MAP Plan Full PrintoutHTML template for the full MAP Plan printout.  The full printout may include options and is available through the Email and Print Plan links in MAP
MAP Plan PrintoutHTML template for the Matrix Plan printout.  The printout is available in MyGPS for students as well as Email and Print  Plan links in MAP
New Student Intake Task EmailMessage sent to students when the Student Intake request task is created
Template Plan PrintoutHTML template to view the MAP Template.  This is available from the View All link in MAP