2012-06-10 Getting to Know 2-3-98 (continuous drop-in) (pre-conf)


Getting to Know 2-3-98


Facilitated by Patrick Masson, UMassOnline

Date and time (EDT)

June 10 9:00 AM




How are your Provost, CFO, Deans and Faculty involved in the open source initiatives underway on your campus? Too often participation in "open source projects" is limited to technical staff focusing on technical issues. However as technical services permeate the campus, enabling many of the mission critical services vital to these constituents, "users" should become not only "stakeholders" but ideally "contributors."  The 2-3-98 Project provides support for college and university administrators, managers, and practitioners wishing to better understand the value proposition of openness (as an organizational and operational orientation) and open initiatives, in order to increase choice. Drop in throughout the day to The 2-3-98 Project "Open House'" and learn more about the activities underway, how to participate and opportunities for non-technical participation back on your campus. No registration is required.


  • Document 1
  • Slides
  • Link

Embedded videos, document, slides too!


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Action items

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