2.6.0 Release Notes for Upgraders
Notes about what's new in uPortal 2.6.0 intended to be consumed by people with existing uPortal familiarity
It builds a little differently
Magic directories for .jar dependencies
While 2.6.0 still builds with Ant, the approach to dependency .jars is more "Maven-like" in providing categories of jars with idiomatic treatment. Rather than explicitly provide a path to each .jar in build.properties and then have a build.xml coded against those property keys, uPortal 2.6.0 uses semantically-named subdirectories of its project "lib" directory. Want to add a .jar to your application? Simply drop it into the appropriate directory and run the Ant deploy.
Better Tomcat support
Build.xml also grew to be cognizant of the nuanced difference between CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE.
It's more beautiful and functional
DLM is now the default layout manager.
The default theme and skin changed to be more div-centric and beautiful. uPortal now includes drag-and-drop preferences support, turned off by default.
A few new channels
RSS consumption is now accomplished using a custom channel
Rather than consuming RSS as XML using CGenericXSLT, there's now a Rome-implemented IChannel specific to the consumption of syndicated feeds, adding support for ATOM.