

uPortal 2.5 is seriously old. Consider adopting or migrating to a modern uPortal version instead.

uPortal 2.5 provided robust JSR-168 support, JDK 1.5 support, DLM as a layout manager option, and a move to standard APIs for XML and concurrency management.

Seriously old

uPortal 2.5 is seriously old. Consider adopting or upgrading to a modern uPortal version instead.


  • Ant 1.6.2 or better to run the build.xml
  • JDK 1.4 with the JAXP endorsed extensions or JDK 1.5

Release Notes

2.5-export.1 - Detailed Release notes

Provides the uPortal 2.5 code base configured for exporting data into a format that can be imported by uPortal 3. This release cannot be used to run a uPortal instance.

2.5.3 - Detailed Release notes

Fixes in 2.5.3

  • DLM threadsafety fix.

Enhancements in 2.5.3

  • Refer to detailed release notes.

2.5.2 - Detailed Release notes

Fixes in 2.5.2

  • Refer to detailed release notes.

Enhancements in 2.5.2

  • Channel instantiation and portlet rendering performance enhancements.

2.5.1 - Detailed Release notes

Fixes in 2.5.1

  • Blocked CWebProxy security exploit

Enhancements in 2.5.1

  • Dynamic channel titles
  • Spring configuration of StatsRecorder

2.5.0 - Detailed Release notes

Enhancements in 2.5.0 not present in any 2.4.x release

  • New layout manager option: SunGard/SCT's Distributed Layout Management, previously only available in the commercial product SCT Luminis. Now opensourced and ready to be used in your uPortal deployment!
  • Full JSR-168 compliance support
  • Internally pooled database connections inside RDBMServices
  • Exception hierarchy leveraging JDK 1.4 chaining Throwables
  • Support for JDK 1.5 and 1.4.x
  • XML API standardization
  • Move away from custom uPortal threading code to standard Concurrent package

Miscellaneous Notes

The release engineer's answers to some questions about uPortal 2.5.0.