Using the Quick Start distribution

Using the Quick Start distribution

Using the Quick Start Distribution

The version numbers indicated below are from the version of the quickstart distribution as of the last time this page was edited. The version numbers will most likely be diffrent depending on which version you have downloaded

What is included?

The quick start distribution is downloaded as a zip file which extracts to directory called uPortal__rel-2-5-1-quick-start . The directory contains the following...

  • uPortal 2.5.1 - directory ( uPortal_rel-2-5-1 ) containing the uPortal source code, stylesheets, and other required files (essentially, the uPortal-only distibution).
  • Tomcat 5.5.9 - a directory ( Tomcat-5-5-9 ) containing the Tomcat servlet container with the uPortal context preloaded.
  • Ant 1-6-5 a directory ( Ant_1-6-5- ) containing a distribution of the Ant build tool.
  • HypersonicSQL - a directory (HSQLDB_1_7-2-11) containing a distribution of the HypersonicSQL database engine. The database is preloaded with the data and tables required by uPortal.

...and the following files

  • build.xml - build file for use by Ant.
  • fix-unix-modes.sh - a unix script for setting file permissions.
  • ant.sh, ant.bat, ant - scripts and windows batch file for invoking the Ant built tool.

What do you need to know?

Installation of the quick-start release requires basic knowledge of the operation system upon which it will be installed. If any customization or configuration is desired, knowledge of the Jakarta-Ant build tool, Tomcat servlet container environment, and basic SQL database skills are useful.


  • The Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.4 or higher must be installed.
  • JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set.
  • Nothing else should be running on port 8080 and 8887.

Starting uPortal

The quick-start release is started using the Ant build tool and a filed called build.xml which contains a set of "targets" to start the SQL database and Tomcat servlet container. The release contains a script and batch file for running Ant in either a Windows (ant.bat) or Unix (ant.sh) environment.

  • Windows: ./ant target
  • Unix: ./ant.sh target

Starting the Database

The HypersonicSQL database is preloaded with the tables required for uPortal and must be started using Ant . The hsql target starts the database server which loads the files located in the HSQLDB_1-7-1-11/demo directory. To start up the database use one of the following:

  • Windows: ant hsql
  • Unix: ./ant.sh hsql

Starting Tomcat

The quick-start release includes the Tomcat servlet container with uPortal context preloaded. Tomcat must be started using Ant . The tomcatstart target starts Tomcat using one of the following:

  • Windows: ant tomcatstart


Starting Tomcat in windows opens up a separate window to display the output of the Tomcat application.

  • Unix: ./ant.sh tomcatstart

Running uPortal

Once the HypersonicSQL database and Tomcat are started you can access uPortal with your browser by entering the following URL: http://localhost:8080/uPortal/

You can login to uPortal using one of the following username/password combinations: demo/demo

Stopping Tomcat

The Tomcat servlet engine can be shutdown using Ant. The tomcatstop target stops Tomcat using one of the following:

  • Windows: ant tomcatstop
  • Unix: ./ant.sh tomcatstop


Customization of uPortal is described on the Using the uPortal-only Distribution page.

If you run into difficulty

If, for some reason you run into difficulty you may find information related to your problem elsewhere on this wiki. A good place to start is on the QuickStart FAQ page.