WSRP Consumer

WSRP Consumer

uPortal 2 includes a WSRP Consumer.

WSRP Examples

Oxford example

If you are interested in playing with the WSRP consumer in uPortal, Matthew Dovey from the University of Oxford has made a producer available on a test machine. The publish parameters for the WSRP consumer channel type are:

Registration Interface URL: http://www.jafer.org/wsrp/wsrp4j/WSRPPortletManagementService

Registration Interface URL: http://www.jafer.org/wsrp/wsrp4j/WSRPRegistrationService

Markup Interface URL: http://www.jafer.org/wsrp/wsrp4j/WSRPBaseService

Service Description Interface URL: http://www.jafer.org/wsrp/wsrp4j/WSRPServiceDescriptionService

Portlet Handle: JaferPortlet.SearchPortlet

I am attaching a channel publishing XML file with this information so you don't have to type it all in.

Requires uPortal 2.4.1 or later

You need uPortal 2.4.1 or higher because 2.4.0 had a WSRP bug.

Sakai nightly WSRP producer

Vishal Goenka has posted instructions for configuring uPortal to consume WSRP produced by the nightly Sakai build.

Oracle PeopleSoft WSRP producer

Oracle has been helpful in supplying a WSRP producer to test with. They'd rather not send the info via public mailing list, but you can contact Rich Manalang to make a request. Here's a snip of an email with more info:

Hi Jameson. I just forwarded you a publicly available endpoint for PSFT HCM 8.9. Please don't share this with others outside of your organization... it's a test server.

If others would like access to test uPortal with a PSFT WSRP provider, please send me an email rich.manalang@oracle.com.

Rich Manalang

Other instructions

Tangentially related documentation