QuickStart FAQ

QuickStart FAQ

Please feel free to add to this list if you have helpful hints on getting up and running with uPortal. The easiest way to do so is copy another question's answer block and modify it to suite your needs.

  1. How do I reliably stop hsqldb?
  2. How do I start the hsqldb Database Manager UI?

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How do I start the hsqldb Database Manager UI?

By adding these lines to the build.xml file in the top directory of the quick start you can lanch the Database Manager and have it automatically connect to the default hsql quickstart database by running ant hsqlMan. These lines are for the 2.4.1 quickstart. Check for the correct path to the jar file for your version of uPortal which may be using a different version of hsql.

<target name="hsqlMan">
    <echo message="Starting HSQLDB Manager"/>
    <java fork="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager">
        <pathelement path="${basedir}/HSQLDB_1-7-2-4/lib/hsqldb.jar"/>
      <arg value="-driver"/>
      <arg value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
      <arg value="-url"/>
      <arg value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:8887"/>
      <arg value="-user"/>
      <arg value="sa"/>


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How do I reliably stop hsqldb?

On some operating systems "Ctrl + C" appears to shut down hsql but the DB is still running and holding onto the socket. You can run the provided Database Manager UI and shut the database down by executing the SQL statement, "shutdown;". Alternatively, you can issue that statement from some third party tool that is connected to the database like Dbvisualizer or the Database tool provided in My Eclipse.