SSP v2.X Role Definitions

SSP users are assigned one or more roles that grant access to functionality within the application. See specific tool permissions.

STUDENTStudents only have access to MyGPS
COACHCoaches are advisors and counselors who provide services to via the various tools and reports in SSP
SUPPORT STAFFSupport staff provide assistance to coaches and managers in SSP limited access to SSP tools, primarily Caseload Management and Student Intake
FACULTYFaculty members utilize SSP primarily to create Early Alerts for students in their classes
MAP TEMPLATE ADMINTemplate administrators can create public templates.  Only the template administrators, developers and administrators can create a public template.  All other templates created are private to the user.
MANAGERManagers provide similar services as coaches and have additional access to confidentiality levels, reports and buik caseload re-assignment
ADMINISTRATORThe SSP administrator is assigned the administrator role and is responsible for configuring the application with values and options to support SSP
DEVELOPERDevelopers have the highest level of access for SSP and maintain the file and database configurations