
Released: 25 April 2016


Version 4.3.1 is a maintenance release of uPortal 4.3.  It has been six months since the release of 4.3.0, and there are a large number of updates.  In total, 32 JIRA tickets are resolved in this release.  The vast majority of these are bug fixes, tasks, and modest improvements to existing features.  There are, however, two security-related fixes that are worth knowing about.


  • 14 Bugs
  • 8 Improvements
  • 3 Tasks

Upgrade Notes:

None yet.

Download the release

You can grab the binary releases, including a ready-to-start Quickstart release, from the GitHub release page.


See also : Release announcement as posted on uportal-user@ email list.

Human readable release notes

See the GitHub release page for human-readable release notes.


Issues addressed in uPortal 4.3.1


Bugs known to afflict uPortal 4.3.1

(Note that this is only as good as the affects-version metadata on JIRA issues).