201011 - uPortal Steering Committee

201011 - uPortal Steering Committee

A Change in the Weather

The Jasig portlet developer community was unexpectedly informed on November 10, 2010 that Accuweather had suspended its free API for developers indefinitely. For several years, Accuweather had generously allowed us to use their data feed as the default source for the weather portlet.

uPortal developers (a big thanks to Jen Bourey) have re-enabled the Weather Portlet with feed support from a choice of two new providers: Yahoo Weather and World Weather Online.

Both services require an API key which can be retrieved by a self-service registration process. To learn more, visit the portlet configuration page on the uPortal wiki: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/Weather+Portlet+Configuration.

Jasig uPortal December Community Call

The next uPortal Community Call has been scheduled for December 9th, 2010, starting at 8:30am PT, 11:30am ET, 16:30 BT. Whether you are sipping that first coffee of the day or getting ready for your commute home, we hope you can join us. In addition to our usual updates on developments in uPortal, portlets and documentation, we will also have a live demo from the University of Illinois. This will include examples of how they are using sub-tabs in their portal.

For more information on how to view the webinar and dial in for audio, please see http://www.jasig.org/jasig-uportal-december-community-call.

Additional Committee Member

Tim Carroll from the University of Illinois has been appointed by the uPortal Steering Committee to serve as an additional working member. Tim currently serves on the Jasig Board of Directors and brings with him a history of involvement with uPortal. We look forward to Tim's contributions as the committee works on continuing the improvements to the uPortal project and community. Welcome aboard, Tim!