200903 - uPortal Steering Committee

uPortal 3.0.3 Release

(crib this from the release notes)

uPortal 3.1.0 Release

(Jonathan should have this content)

uPortal Spring Conference Review

The numerous uPortal sessions and seminars were well received and attended at the recent 2009 Jasig Spring Conference. There was particular interest in the new Fluid/uPortal integration, uPortal 3.1 features, and (help me out, folks!).

Join the Merry Band

We recently created a page in our wiki listing smaller development projects that are great starting points for people interested in doing uPortal framework development. Maybe you have noticed that the core uPortal developers are very enthusiastic about what they do and seem to be having a lot of fun. Have you thought about wanting to contribute to the effort but were intimidated or didn't know where to begin? Check out our list of what we call Mentorable Projects. If you take one on, one of the uPortal core developers will be there to get you started and help you through the process. It is a great way to get started with someone by your side. You, too, can share in the accolades of the community!