200901 uPortal project contribution to JA-SIG newsletter

200901 uPortal project contribution to JA-SIG newsletter

uPortal at the JA-SIG Spring 2009 Conference

The conference program is now posted and it includes a large variety of uPortal/portlet related seminars, sessions and "birds of a feather" discussion groups. The Barcamp on Wednesday afternoon of that week promises to be a great place to talk about portal development and implementation with your colleagues. After the conference, you can also stay for the uPortal developers meeting.

uPortal Developers Meeting in Dallas

Following the JA-SIG Spring 2009 Conference in Dallas, on Thursday and Friday of that week there will be a uPortal developers meeting. This is an open meeting for anyone doing development related to uPortal. This can range from writing portlets, implementing uPortal at your institution, customizing the platform for your needs, or doing uPortal framework development. The two days will be very loosely organized and are primarily a chance for you to work in the same proximity as your peers. It is a great opportunity to share ideas or get assistance. Check out the wiki page http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/nwleAQ and sign up if you are going to be there.