Quick-start installation
esup-helpdesk can be deployed as a servlet or a portlet, but newbie users should try the quick-start first to get familiar with the product.
esup-helpdesk is 100% java, it runs on Windows and Unix platforms.Â
Requirements for linux
Requirements for WindowsÂ
Get the latest version (esup-helpdesk-quick-start-x.y.z-t.zip) from sourceforge and unzip in /usr/local/helpdesk/src (c:/helpdesk).Â
Rename build-quick-start-example.properties to build.properties and edit the file to fit to your local configuration. For a basic installation, only property cas.url needs to be changed. The file build.properties tells ant how the application will be installed.
Rename properties/config-example.properties to properties/config.properties and edit the file to fit to your local configuration. For a basic installation, only the properties marked REQUIRED need to be changed (read carefully the comments to understand the leaning of each property). The file properties/config.properties specifies the application behavior (at run-time).
Rename webapp/WEB-INF/web-servlet.xml to webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml, nothing should be changed in this file. This file is used by the servlet container (Tomcat) to configure the context of the application.
Create the directories used to store the uploaded files (see property uploadedFiles.path, e.g. /usr/local/helpdesk/files or c:/helpdesk/files) and the index (see property index.path, e.g. /usr/local/helpdesk/index or c:/helpdesk/index).Â
Simply executing ant start should start the application.
Browse http://localhost:8080http://localhost:8080 and start using the application.
Each time you change a property of the configuration files, you have to restart the application (ant restart).