Tabbed RSS Portlet


Tabbed RSS Portlet


Matt Young, Ren Provey, Gary Weaver

Issue Management





Freeware / Open Source (BSD)

This portlet is in-development with only periodic resources available for development and support. We welcome contributions. If you'd like to contribute please email the portlet-dev list.

About this JA-SIG Portlet Project

Originally written in 2007 by Matt Young and Ren Provey of Duke University and presented in the 2007 JA-SIG conference.

Requirements for Usage

  • While some modification of this portlet may in use at one or more institutions running an earlier version of uPortal, it may require significant additional work in coding/configuration to be functional.
  • This portlet relies on external XML in a proprietary format to define what feeds are available for addition by the user.


  • shows titles of RSS feeds defined in the portlet config and/or by user in bar under portlet title
  • lists N number of items in zebra colored row alternation under those for the selected "tab" (feed)
  • has way to edit feeds
    • lists current feeds and allows you to remove them (multi-select box)
    • has tree of available feeds you can add by category
    • lets you add a new feed with description and URL

Usage Documentation

Objectives and requirements


  • Can retrieve RSS feeds in a tabbed view and display information in a user friendly format


  • Needs review: Is it a standards-compliant JSR-168 portlet?
  • Needs review: Does it have what JA-SIG would consider to be modular design and APIs?
  • Needs review: Uses Spring PortletMVC and appropriate Spring practices (It uses Spring, but haven't checked on PortletMVC or if Spring use is appropriate for uPortal.)
  • Builds with Ant
  • Needs (more) unit tests


  • A collaborative open source project under the auspices of JA-SIG
  • Can be used commercially and non-commercially
  • Produces actual production-ready releases, not just a code drop or a project that exclusively lives in SVN (Note: for now we would appreciate some help in this, and Jen of Yale offered to help until Duke has time to help develop it)



Committership is a social contract

Commitership in JA-SIG SVN is both a technical fact (having the right account set up in JA-SIG SVN configuration) and a social contract (the understanding and agreement among developers that this person will be committing to some particular portion of JA-SIG shared collaborated-upon source code.) Presently, technically, any member of the "everyone" group is able to commit changes to this portlet project in SVN. That doesn't mean everyone "is a committer" in the sense of committership on this project. Cf., technically, any member of the "everyone" group in JA-SIG SVN is able to commit changes to uPortal, but it would be a surprise and likely inappropriate for an "everyone" member who has never before committed to the uPortal project to make unexpected changes.

Here are enumerated the people believed to be committers for this project:

Open Issues

type key summary reporter status

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Action Items

Action Item



Give garysweaver svn commit access

Andrew Petro


Create a sandbox SVN module

GaryG (Deactivated)


Document intent to move to SVN portlets/ directory as of first RC


Not started

Create child pages of Portlets wiki space for this portlet content

GaryG (Deactivated)


Build out this page with more info

GaryG (Deactivated)

Done (added user manual, copied from

Document this projectlet on the JA-SIG Clearinghouse Contributions page


Not started

Create a Jira project in the portlets group


Not started

Does this need its own dev and user mailing lists?


Not started