ERP Integration Portlets and Collaboration

ERP Integration Portlets and Collaboration

About This Page

The ERP Integration Portlets and Collaboration area is here for us to publish things we can share related to ERP integration such as screenshots, wireframes, code, full portlets, sql, and anything else that may be of value.

ERP integration can be a tricky subject, without a one size fits all type of approach. Getting the ball rolling on an approach that works for all institutions can feel like the impossible task due to differences within our own ERP systems, the way we use them, our business practices, staffing, politics, etc. So, instead of trying to make a "product", we felt that this area may be better suited for us to share ideas and building blocks of code that we can customize to use in our own environments. At least in the near term, this may be a "low barrier to entry" approach for us to start collaborating, building relationships with each other, and publishing things worth sharing.

Feel free to add anything that you are willing to contribute by adding your school or organization to the list below and creating a sub page with the item you want to share. It doesn't have to be code, it can be anything that involves integrating a Jasig product with an ERP system.

How You Can Participate

  • Join the ERP Integration Mailing List!
  • See who is currently doing ERP integration and add yourself to the list here
  • Add any items you'd like to see built to the wish list page!
  • Share code by adding a child to this page! It can be as large as a full blown portlet to just a small piece of useful SQL. Any contribution is a good one! 

Share Your Code Below!

University of St. Francis

USF's Admission Checklist Portlet - (Screenshot and Code available)
USF's Residence Life Portlet - (Screenshot and Code available)
USF's Student Schedule Portlet - (Screenshot and Code available)

Supporting Code For All USF Portlets

USF's Activity Log Table for Portal Logging - (Code available)
USF Custom Database Views Used In Portlets - (Code available)

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech's My Courses Query

Millikin University

Millikin's Novell NetStorage SSO piece
Millikin's Employee leave balances (AJAX)
Millikin's Toolbar Weather Icon (AJAX)
Millikin's Tomcat statistics (AJAX)