JForum Portlet
JForum Portlet
JForum is a threaded discussion forum web application. It does not officially have JSR-168 portlet support. However, the group Jahia has released a beta JSR-168 compliant build of JForum. The following instructions will get this portlet running in uPortal:
- uPortal 2.5.1
- Tomcat 5.5.12
- Eclipse 3.1
- Connect to Jahia public CVS server: (:pserver:anonymous@cvspub.jahia.org:/home/cvs/repository_anonymous)
- Check out the 'jforum_JSR168' module
- Add the attached project.xml and project.properties to the Eclipse project
- Generate and populate the tables in the HSQL database using the provided SQL files
- Update systemglobals.properties to switch the database to 'hsqldb'
- Update hsqldb.properties with the correct URL
- Update the web.xml to include the Pluto portlet servlet
- Build the WAR using the 'war' Maven goal
- Deploy the WAR into Tomcat
- Publish the portlet as 'jforum-portlet.JForum'
These instructions should get you to the point of being able to see JForum in uPortal. This is by no means a production implementation! There needs to be much more work on the portlets and the build/deploy process.