JForum Portlet

JForum is a threaded discussion forum web application. It does not officially have JSR-168 portlet support. However, the group Jahia has released a beta JSR-168 compliant build of JForum. The following instructions will get this portlet running in uPortal:


  • uPortal 2.5.1
  • Tomcat 5.5.12
  • Eclipse 3.1
  • HSQL


  1. Connect to Jahia public CVS server: (:pserver:anonymous@cvspub.jahia.org:/home/cvs/repository_anonymous)
  2. Check out the 'jforum_JSR168' module
  3. Add the attached project.xml and project.properties to the Eclipse project
  4. Generate and populate the tables in the HSQL database using the provided SQL files
  5. Update systemglobals.properties to switch the database to 'hsqldb'
  6. Update hsqldb.properties with the correct URL
  7. Update the web.xml to include the Pluto portlet servlet
  8. Build the WAR using the 'war' Maven goal
  9. Deploy the WAR into Tomcat
  10. Publish the portlet as 'jforum-portlet.JForum'

These instructions should get you to the point of being able to see JForum in uPortal. This is by no means a production implementation! There needs to be much more work on the portlets and the build/deploy process.