Jasig Sponsored Portlets

Jasig Sponsored Portlets

Portlets hosted by Apereo (formerly known as Jasig) are available in the https://github.com/Jasig repository, are documented as children of this page and use the https://issues.jasig.org issue tracker. They also use the Jasig Portlet email lists for user discussion and development coordination.

Announcements Portlet

A set of portlets that can handle the distributed creation, editing, publishing and displaying of portal announcements. Also has a feature to handle emergency announcements and can offer RSS feeds.

Basic LTI Portlet

This is a portlet that implements the IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability specification http://www.imsglobal.org/toolsinteroperability2.cfm and allows you to render any Basic LTI enabled application inside uPortal. Possibilities include Sakai tools, Peoplesoft components, tools from other LMS's, collaboration and learning tools, blogs, forums, wikis, the list is endless.

Bookmarks Portlet

Provides users with a mechanism to store and organize personal bookmarks in a tree structure. The UI is JavaScript based though it does not make use of AJAX.

Calendar Portlet

The Calendar Portlet is a JSR-168 read-only calendar aggregator portlet. This portlet allows a user to view built-in administrator-configured calendars and for users to add external iCal feeds for display. It is important to note that this project will not allow users to add events through the portlet's interface.

Email Preview Portlet

The Email Preview Portlet is a JSR-268 read-only email portlet. This portlet allows a user to connect to an IMAP, POP3, or Exchange Web Services email store and view and manage contents of INBOX and other mail folders.

Jasig Widget Portlets

The Jasig Widget Portlets is a set of numerous small, user-facing utility portlets contained in a single project. There are some simple integration portlets to allow displaying simple single-page portlet content based on data from externals systems. These portlets are designed to require little configuration and present information and tools that could be used by generic institutions.


A news portlet that allows users to add pre-defined feeds, as well as enter in their own RSS feeds. Like the Calendar Portlet, you can create alternate implementations of the feed interface, so you could display database-driven messages, or other news sources, right alongside the RSS feeds. Prevents cross-side scripting (uses Antisamy to process external data).

Notifications Portlet (Manchester)

The Notifications Portlet is a JSR-168 notifications portlet originally developed by the University of Manchester. Notifications from several source are aggregated and grouped by categories in a accordion style view. The user can drill down into the notifications to get more detailed information. The notification data sources are configured via xml files. Sample data sources are provided for demonstration purposes.

Sakai connector portlet

This portlet allows you to render tools from your Sakai environment inside uPortal. It is completely configurable, and each user can choose a tool from any of their Sakai sites to display in the portal.

Simple Content Management Portlet

The Simple Content Management Portlet is a very simple JSR-168 content portlet. This portlet allows an administer to enter HTML content through a WYSIWYG editing interface that will later be displayed to end users.

Weather Portlet

The JA-SIG Weather Portlet is a fully functional JSR-168 portlet that provides international weather courtesy using either World Weather Online http://www.worldweatheronline.com or Yahoo Weather http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/. Users have the ability add and delete multiple locations and standards of measurement with ease! This portlet is well coded, tested, and production ready.


The Web Proxy Portlet is used to incorporate arbitrary web content as a portlet. It provides mechanisms for connecting to and rendering HTML with options for clipping, maintaining session information, and handling cookies. Proxied content is rendered within the portlet window.  Web Proxy Portlet is often used to incorporate web content or applications that are built and run in non-Java environments allowing a site flexibility for integrating content with many different technologies.