esup-print - Install and upgrade
Two package are available for the esup-print application:
- esup-print, for administrators who want to deploy as a portlet (into an existing portal) or as a servlet (into an existing Tomcat).
- esup-print-quick-start, for administrators who want to install very quickly (esup-print-quick-start embeds a Tomcat).
Thereafter, quick-start deployments are considered as (simplified) servlet deployments.
- JDK 1.5+
- Apache ant 1.7+
- A working database (MySql prefered)
First install
Download the latest version of the desired package from
Unzip the distribution files somewhere in your source hierarchy (something like /usr/local/src/esup-print).
This will create a foder like /usr/local/src/esup-print/esup-print-x.y.z.
Edit the following configuration files to fit to your environment (examples are provided):
- / tell the application where and how to install.
- /properties/ configure the application runtime.
- /properties/logging/ configure the logs of the web application.
- /properties/logging/ configure the logs of the batch commands.
- /properties/dao/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml: configure your database access.
- /webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml: configure your web application. Copy web-servlet-example.xml or web-portlet-example.xml to web.xml depending on your deployment (servlet or portlet).
- /webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml: needed for portlet deployments only
Simply run:
ant deploy
Quick-start deployers simply run:
ant start
Servlet deployers should start their Tomcat context.
Portlet deployers should:
- publish a channel in their portal (see /utils/uPortal/esup-print-portlet-chanpub.xml for uPortal)
- push a fragment to the users (see /utils/uPortal/esup-print-portlet-fragment.xml for uPortal)
Download the latest version of your package and install beside your previous installation at the same filesystem level (/usr/local/src/esup-print in our example).
unzip the package.
go to the newly created directory.
Recover your previous configuration files by running:
ant recover-config
 Deploy, stop and start as shown previously:
ant deploy ant stop ant start