JA-SIG Community member profiles

JA-SIG Community member profiles

Ideas for future community member profiles


Why would this be an interesting profile?

Bill Thompson

Rutgers University. Associate Director of Architecture and Engineering. Newly appointed JA-SIG Board Chair. Former uPortal Board Liason, and long-time open source advocate.

Ken Weiner

LowerMyBills.com. Developer. Former Project Manager and lead developer for uPortal. Could likely provide some really interesting perspective on the formation and early years of uPortal, and thoughts going forward.

Charise Arrowood

Unicon, Inc. Director of the cooperative support program. So, what's it like directing support for JA-SIG's uPortal? What do you see? What recent news from the Cooperative Support program? How about the experience of releasing the Academus functionality as open source software, and building a story around how anyone – Unicon customer or not – can use that free and open source software with uPortal?

Pascal Aubry

CAS, ESUP-Portail. PHP CAS Client! Helps showcase CAS, a successful JA-SIG project not yet particularly featured in the newsletter via the community member profile.

Patrick Berry

Tell us the story about the tree and the house. Oh, and about your highly successful uPortal and CAS projects as CSU Chico. Didn't you once work for the FSF? Helps showcase CAS, a successful JA-SIG project not yet particularly featured in the newsletter via the community member profile.

John Blakley

CEO of Unicon, Inc. Who is this enigma? No blog, no profile on unicon.net, yet the mastermind pulling the levers at the founding JA-SIG Commercial Affiliate. Where do you see Unicon going next in a successful relationship with JA-SIG and with JA-SIG software? Rumour has it you've recently rolled out consulting services for CAS – any truth to this? Helps emphasize availability of commercial support and consulting services for JA-SIG community source software.

Jennifer Bourey

Drag and drop preferences in uPortal are way cool – how did you get involved and interested in this? Helps JA-SIG position itself as attentive to user experience.

Susan Bramhall

long-time JA-SIG community member, prior conference committee chair, highly successful developer of YaleInfo portal, and now drawn into some interesting IdM stuff, and every school's looking at IdM these days, right?

Colin Clark

Fluid Project knowledge

Dan Ellentuck

Knows everything there is to know about uPortal groups and permissions, and this seems to be one of the most discussed aspects of uPortal deployments on the lists

Jens Haeusser

Has expertise in Identity Management in Higher Ed

Richard Klein (Brooklyn College)

Now that you've been successfully in production with CAS for a while, what are your reflections on the project? What has gone well? What could go better? Where are you going next with your project?

Jonathan Markow

Who is our esteemed executive director? Where did he come from, what is his background, what did he do before JA-SIG?

Alex Vigdor

How's life outside of higher ed? Where's Hypercontent going next?

Past profiles

(The idea is to list and link to prior newletters including these profiles, to give us a running history of who has been profiled.)


Quick notes of flavor

Eric Dalquist - May 2007

uP3 lead developer

Jason Shao - September 2007


Alain Mayeur - February 2008

Alain Mayeur, a member of the JA-SIG board of directors, is IT Director at the University of Valenciennes. Alain is a leader and one of the founders of the ESUP-Portail consortium, a group of approximately eighty French institutions collaborating on community source efforts based around uPortal.

Adam Rybicki - March 2008

As someone who has been part of our community since the beginnings of JA-SIG and uPortal, Adam, now a consultant with Unicon, has some interesting views to share. Equally stimulating are his perspectives on the state of the art of service oriented architectures.

Chris Meyers and RJ Podeschi (Millikin University) - July 2008

Chris and RJ share some thoughts on the implementation of uPortal at Millikin

Matt Peterson (UNE Australia) - September 2008

Matt shares some thoughts with Executive Director, Jonathan Markow, on JASIG's first uPortal 3 implementation

Colin Clark (University of Toronto), the Fluid Project - November 2008

Colin discusses the Fluid Project and its partners with Executive Director, Jonathan Markow

Ideas for questions to ask profilees

  • How are you connected to JA-SIG?
  • What have you learned from your JA-SIG experience?
  • What is your current job?
  • What did you do before that?
  • What has been the most rewarding aspect of your work?
  • What would you like to be doing five years from now?
  • What would you change about the higher education open source movement to improve it?
  • What new technologies do you think look promising for higher education?
  • Whom do you think we should interview for this spot in the newsletter next month?