Newsletter - 201002 - February 2010

Newsletter - 201002 - February 2010




1.1 Jasig Spring 2010 Conference: "Ten Years of Open Source Innovation"
1.2 Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)
1.3 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)
1.4 OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)


2.1 Central Authentication Service (CAS)
2.1.1 CAS Roadmap Updated
2.1.2 CAS 3.4 Release Candidate 1
2.2 uPortal
2.2.1 uPortal Opportunities at the Spring Conference
2.2.2 uPortal 3.2.0 GA announcement


3.1 Bedework Quickstart v. (bug fix release)
3.2 Bedework Manual 3.6 Released


4.1 Sharing at the Conference
4.2 Preparing for a Jasig Conference
4.3 And much, much more ...


5.1 Ninth Annual "ESUP-Day" Draws 140 Participants In Paris
5.2 Unicon's Cooperative Development Subscribers Support Work on Permissions Portlet
5.3 Open Source, Why or Why Not? Market Research White Paper Made Available by Unicon
5.4 UC Berkeley and RPI to Collaborate on Bedework Enhancements



1.1 Jasig Spring 2010 Conference: "Ten Years of Open Source Innovation"

When: March 8 - 10, 2010
Supplementary Seminars March 7th and 10th
Developer Days, March 11 - 12

Town and Country Resort
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego,CA 92108 USA
Hotel Front Desk: +1-619-291-7131
Toll Free, Reservations only: 1-800-772-8527

Help us celebrate Jasig's 10th anniversary in San Diego with outstanding speakers and special events! The focus is on innovation this year. We'll be highlighting new and established work from higher education institutions: Projects you should know about; local projects in search of community; creative work by established communities of practice; projects that exist only as a gleam in the eye of a creative developer.

Come listen to...
Gregory A. Jackson, Vice President for Policy and Analysis at Educause
Justin Erenkrantz, President of the Apache Software Foundation
Rod Johnson, Founder of the Spring Framework Project

See presentations and seminars on new technologies soon to impact higher education. You'll be hearing about Spring 3, Amazon EC2, Groovy, REST, mobile applications, etc.

Spend seminar time implementing and upgrading uPortal, deploying CAS, and customizing Bedework; configure the new enterprise HelpDesk application; learn how to use uPortal's new mobile theme; build dynamic JavaScript user interfaces using the jQuery toolkit. Learn how to develop next generation portlets, lay the foundation for an enterprise identity management architecture; learn how to submit a project to the Jasig Incubator.

Attend sessions on Identity & Access Management, the Fluid Project, OpenRegistry, Kuali Workflow, Internet2 Middleware Solutions, OpenCast, OWASP, and much more...

Register now! For more information, check out our website or Facebook Event.

See you in San Diego!
-The Jasig Spring 2010 Program Committee

Reference: http://www.jasig.org


1.2 Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)

Register now for the Advance CAMP (Campus Architecture and Middleware Planning) workshop, "The Second Identity Services Summit," June 23-25, 2010, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Are you a developer or architect from an open-source or other software or framework project? Want to collaborate on identity and access management approaches to ensure that your delivered software is more secure, easy to integrate and usable?

Attend the Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit to discuss identity-related implementations and alignment across projects. Attendees will:

  • Engage in solving identity-related challenges of importance to you
  • Hear about who's doing what and how to participate in or leverage their activities
  • Consider technologies such as Facebook, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, Kuali KIM, OpenSocial, Spring, and Django, among others
  • Look at possible integration solutions and develop common next steps

Architects, developers, and deployers of open source, and commercial-sponsored software, services, and frameworks will find participation most useful.

REGISTER BY MAY 10 to save money with low early-bird rates: www.incommon.org/camp

CAMP: EXPLORING AND SUPPORTING FEDERATED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT will be held just prior to Advance CAMP. Information can be found on the CAMP landing page: www.incommon.org/camp

ADVANCE CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2 and Jasig.

Reference: http://www.incommon.org/camp


1.3 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)

"The 11th Annual Sakai Conference will be taking place in beautiful Denver Colorado. The conference website with registration information is scheduled to be up and running in mid-February. In the meantime, here are some important dates so you can plan your calendar:

  • Main Conference Dates: Tuesday - Thursday, June 15-17, 2010
  • Pre-conference sessions: Monday, June 14, 2010
  • Project Coordination Meetings: TBD"

Source: http://sakaiproject.org/annual-conference


1.4 OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)

"OSCON brings together over 2,500 experts, visionaries, and hackers in the trenches to explore all that open source has to offer. OSCON is the premier gathering place to gain exposure to and evaluate the new projects, tools, services, platforms, languages, software, and standards sweeping through the open source community. Whether you want to make it faster, more effective, or more efficient, open source helps you make it happen for the long term."

Source: http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2010



2.1 Central Authentication Service (CAS)

2.1.1 CAS Roadmap Updated

We've updated the CAS roadmap to reflect a more realistic target (essentially pulling a bunch of the stuff that was targeted for release 4 into 3.x releases to get the features to you sooner).

We'd be interested in feedback. A lot of the work for the 3.4 - 3.8 is already been done in the 4.x branch and needs to be moved into the 3.x branch. Some of the 3.4 work needed to be done anyway and is already in the trunk.

The roadmap can be found here: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=28574039

ScottS (Rutgers University), Lead Developer, Jasig Central Authentication Service


2.1.2 CAS 3.4 Release Candidate 1

We're pleased to announce CAS 3.4 Release Candidate 1 with the following features, tasks, and bug fixes:

  • Upgrade to Inspektr 1.0.0-RC2 with new configuration which is more customizable (also includes cleaner)
  • Ticket Generator can now do SAML1 and SAML2
  • Utilize POM DependencyManagement Features
  • Experimental Mobile Theme for WebKit browsers
  • Spring Framework 3 upgrade
  • Spring Web Flow 2 Upgrade
  • Switch to Java Validation API and Hibernate Validator
  • High Availability Ticket Registry Cleaner
  • Improved Logging for Ticket Validation Failures
  • Upgrade to Perf4j for performance logging
  • Upgrade to OGNL 2.7.3
  • Upgrade to RADIUS Client 1.0.0
  • Upgrade to Spring Security 3
  • Update to casPostResponseView.jsp to work when JavaScript is disabled.
  • Fix to allow serverErrorSsoView.jsp to function correctly
  • PrincipalNameTransformer interface
  • Fix NullPointerException in ThrottledSubmissionHandler for Inspektr
  • Improved Logging
  • Display messages in Services Management Tool when no services are registered and WARN to add service management tool
  • Fixed assembly.xml to actually include the right files.

The Release Candidate can be found in our Jasig Repository and from: http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/cas/

Thanks to Marvin Addison and the Unicon Cooperative Support program for their assistance in getting this release candidate out. We're hoping to have the final version out by the conference, so if you can test, please do so!

Note that with the library changes, if you've heavily customized your Spring configuration files OR your Spring Web Flow, I would recommend reviewing them. I can guarantee your Web Flow 1 flow will fail.

ScottS (Rutgers University), Lead Developer, Jasig Central Authentication Service


2.2 uPortal

2.2.1 uPortal Opportunities at the Spring Conference

The 10th Anniversary Jasig Conference in San Diego March 7-10 is full of uPortal-related offerings. There are half-day seminars on migration to uPortal 3, portlet development, uPortal for mobile devices, and using jQuery. In addition, over a dozen sessions will cover portal-related topics including the following:

  • Developing with Spring Portlet MVC, Struts, jQuery, Fluid Infusion
  • Web Services and Portlets
  • Content Management, Help Desk,
  • Managing uPortal environments
  • uPortal Roadmap
  • Portal planning

This is a great opportunity to advance your skills and see innovative techniques that others are using. There will be plenty of opportunities to spend face-to-face time with your peers from other universities and take back valuable information you can use in your own portal development.

And don't forget the three great keynote speakers:

  • "We Have Open Source. Now what?"
    Gregory A. Jackson, Vice President for Policy and Analysis at Educause
  • "The Apache Software Foundation: No Jerks Allowed"
    Justin Erenkrantz, President of the Apache Software Foundation
  • ""Open Source, Cloud Computing and the Future of Innovation""
    Rod Johnson, Founder of the Spring Framework Project

See the complete program at http://www.ja-sig.org/jasigconf/10spring/program.jsp?conf_id=jasig17

We hope to see you there!


2.2.2 uPortal 3.2.0 GA announcement

Jasig is proud to announce the General Audience release of uPortal 3.2 GA. uPortal 3.2 is the recommended version with which to start a new uPortal deployment.

Full release notes are available along with a uPortal 3.2 release overview on the 3.2 Release page on the Jasig wiki.

What's New in 3.2

Portlet Administration

  • New user interface for portlet administration which provides significant user experience improvement
  • New portlet lifecycle features
    • Mark channels as created, approved, published, and expired
    • Delegate permission for each lifecycle step by user group
    • Set future dates for automatic publishing and expiration of portlets
  • Integration with new config mode allows portlets to define a custom configuration user interface

Mobile Theme

  • New iPhone theme for both uPortal and CAS

New and improved publishing types

  • Portlet versions of image and iframe channel types
  • Portlet version of CSQLQuery channel, with new Fluid pager and Google visualization auto-graphing view
  • Improved configuration UI for Web Proxy Portlet

UI Improvements

  • Improved flyout menus, make modifying tab CSS less complex
  • Increased standardization of portlet CSS
  • New "coal" skin
  • UI Resource Aggregation
    • Improves performance by aggregating javascript and CSS resources and setting long-term cache headers
    • Special mode allows UE developers to turn off aggregation, minification and caching without having to restart uPortal

New portlets bundled with uPortal

  • Weather portlet
  • Google Maps
  • Language Translation
  • Dictionary/Thesaurus
  • CAS proxy test portlet

IChannels have been officially deprecated in 3.2. Please see the IChannel Deprecation Announcement for more information about this change and the future of IChannels and uPortal. http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/IChannel+Deprecation+Announcement

Important Upgrading Note

uPortal 3.2.0 has had database changes that are incompatible with the previous releases. Upgrading to uPortal 3.2.0 will require using the crn-export scripts in your current install and then the crn-import scripts in your new uPortal 3.2.0 install. Pointing a uPortal 3.2.0 release at an older database will very likely not work and could cause database corruption.

Downloads are available from: http://www.jasig.org/uportal/download/uportal-320
Release notes are available at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/3.2.0

This release is ready for general use. If you do find any issues please file them in the Jasig Issue Tracker at: http://www.ja-sig.org/issues/browse/UP

I want to thank everyone who contributed to the development both directly and in-directly. Having this developer community available for both code and design insight has been invaluable.

uPortal Project Lead,
Eric Dalquist



3.1 Bedework Quickstart v. (bug fix release)

A bug fix release of Bedework 3.6 (v. is available for download: http://www.bedework.org/bedework/update.do?artcenterkey=2

This release addresses a number of issues found since the last bug fix release on February 12, 2010.


A number of configuration changes have been made in bedework/config/bwbuild. If you have customized your local configurations, you should compare your local config files with the new ones from this release.

A configuration change you should be particularly aware of:
We discovered we were creating the jboss ear file with the name "rpical.ear". This has been changed to bwcal.ear. If you rebuild from new configs into a previous quickstart release, you may need to manually remove the rpical.ear file from jboss (from <quickstart>/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/bwdeploy ).

Apache Derby now runs as a service in JBoss, allowing multiple connections (e.g. from a desktop client such as Squirrel )

For more information, see: http://www.bedework.org/trac/bedework/milestone/Bedework%203.6

Arlen Johnson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


3.2 Bedework Manual 3.6 Released

The Bedework 3.6 Manual is now available at http://www.bedework.org/bedework/update.do?artcenterkey=22

The manual has been updated to cover most of the new features of Bedework 3.6, and includes a tutorial detailing how to set up Bedework 3.6 with MySQL and local LDAP authentication.

Arlen Johnson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute



4.1 Sharing at the Conference

I bet there is something you really want to talk about with others at the Jasig Spring Conference. Maybe you just rolled out a new portal? Developed a cool web application or portlet? Use CAS in an innovative way? Found a new development tool? Are looking for advice on solving a tricky development problem? There are multiple ways to get the word out and it isn't too late to sign up.

  • Present a Poster/Demo
    Monday evening there will be a poster session and reception. We will provide tables and poster board to anyone that wants to present. You can feel free to use your laptop for demos. Attendees will be able to grab some refreshments and peruse the informal posters. You can sign up by following the instructions on the wiki - http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/lQS0AQ - to present any time prior to the conference as long as we still have space.
  • Give a Lightning Talk
    On Tuesday morning at 10:15 one of the presentation rooms will be devoted to lightning talks. As the name implies, these are quick (less than 10 minutes) talks with or without slides on a topic of your choice. These are great ways to quickly introduce something you are interested in and suggest that people follow up with you later. Quick demos would also be applicable. If you have not presented before, giving a lightning talk is a great way to get started. For more information or to sign up, see the wiki. http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/VIC8AQ
  • Attend the Bar Camp
    The BarCamp on Wednesday afternoon will be another venue to share information. This is an informal meeting where the agenda is determined by the interests of those attending. This is a great setting to have discussions with other interested parties sharing your interests. For more information, see the BarCamp wiki page. http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/Owa0AQ

So it's not too late to sign up to share something with your colleagues! The couple hours you will be spending on the plane can be put to good use writing up a few slides to share or creating pages for a poster. These less-formal venues are a great way to network and collaborate at the conference.

See you in San Diego!

Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison



4.2 Preparing for a Jasig Conference

The program committee is sometimes asked, "how do I prepare for the upcoming Jasig conference." The reality is, you can't prepare for it. Jasig conferences are usually known for exceeding the expectations of the attendees. With keynotes by noted industry heavyweights such as Justin Erenkrantz from the Apache Software Foundation, Rod Johnson from SpringSource, and Gregory Jackson from EDUCAUSE, everyone is sure to find something to keep them riveted. Add to that tons of presentations on open source projects such as CAS, uPortal, Bedework, Kuali, HelpDesk, Spring Security and more, and you're sure to learn something! Pre-Conference and Post-Conference seminars add an extra level of learning to an already full conference. Despite this, there are a few things you can try to do to prepare for the conference:

  • Read Up on the Projects so you know which presentations to visit (we include descriptions in the program you'll receive)
  • Get in shape! The Jasig Running Club is looking for more runners!
  • Do some stomach exercises! Jasig Conferences are known for their excellent food choices and dine-around options, not to mention all the camaraderie that happens at the bars!
  • Be prepared to learn - Forget all that useless trivia about Saved By the Bell episodes and stop quoting from Disney movies! * You'll need that space for the presentations on Groovy, Terracotta, Spring Security, and more!
  • Be Prepared to Code - If you're attending the developer days, you can look forward to helping out your favorite Jasig project with some open JIRA issues
  • Get All the Extra Sleep You Can - With tons of presentations, new people to meet, ideas to share, and beers to drink (and then run off), there isn't much time for sleeping
  • Write Down Any Questions - This is the perfect opportunity to ask your peers for answers to your unanswered questions or to pick the brains of the developers of the projects
  • Sign Up to Facilitate a Session - It helps us, which should give you a warm fuzzy feeling.
  • Prepare a Lightning Talk - Not ready for a full out hour to present. Give a short presentation that can lead to later discussions.
  • Create a Poster - present a poster during the reception.

Not registered for the conference? There's still time to register at the conference web site.


4.3 And much, much more ...

Visit the Conference blog at http://jasig.blogspot.com to get the latest news on Jasig Spring 2010. Current posts include:

  • Sharing at the Conference
  • Preparing for a Jasig Conference
  • Pre-Conference Seminars for CAS Deployers
  • Developer Days @ Jasig Spring 2010 Conference
  • Rod Johnson and the Future of Innovation
  • Jasig 2010 uPortal Highlights
  • Jasig 2010 Identity Management Track
  • Why Attend the Jasig 2010 Spring Conference

Follow Jasig on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jasig

See you in San Diego!



5.1 Ninth Annual "ESUP-Day" Draws 140 Participants In Paris

One hundred and forty participants took in the 9th ESUP-Day conference held in Paris on February 5, 2010.

Some highlights from the conference, organized by the ESUP-Portail consortium, were:

  • Presentation of digital services of the ESUP-portail portal on mobile and the future projects for 2010 (ESUP-Mobile)
  • The program for ESUP-Portail V3 deployment in the community (packaging, teaching, documentation) based on uPortal 3
  • The new Nuxeo-based repository and document management system (first experiences)

Further information on the 9th ESUP-Day event can be found at: http://www.esup-portail.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=83329359

Source: http://www.jasig.org


5.2 Unicon's Cooperative Development Subscribers Support Work on Permissions Portlet

Unicon's Cooperative Development Subscribers have voted up the development work to get JSR-286 support in place; we were very excited to see that as it aligns well with the overall community needs.  Understanding the importance and value of getting to JSR-286 compliance and its perquisites led us to the work in progress at this time.  A key element moving to compliance is to ensure the channels in need are updated as portlets. 

One of the other top priorities coming from the Unicon subscribers is work on the Permissions Portlet.

We reached out to the community with an invite to a discussion about the status, ideas and goals for the Permissions Portlet.  The session was a huge success. Unicon was able to communicate the current status and initial goals while the participants on the call were very forthcoming with suggestions and ideas on how to move forward.

For more information on this effort please see the Jasig Wiki, http://www.jasig.org/wiki/display/UPC/Permissions+Manager+Portlet.  Please add your suggestions, use cases and comments to help us make the best decisions for the new Permissions Portlet.

Reference: http://www.unicon.net


5.3 Open Source, Why or Why Not? Market Research White Paper Made Available by Unicon

Unicon, Inc., has published its market research findings from the EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference in the white paper, "'The Future of Free': Open Source, Why Or Why Not?". Unicon conducted a market research session at the conference on Nov. 4, 2009, in which participants were invited to discuss why their institution has or has not adopted open source software (OSS), their opinions on the future of OSS, and what challenges they see for increased OSS adoption among higher education institutions.

For more information and to download the full white paper, "'The Future of Free': Open Source, Why Or Why Not?" visit: http://www.unicon.net/node/1356


5.4 UC Berkeley and RPI to Collaborate on Bedework Enhancements

The University of California, Berkeley and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will be collaborating on enhancements to the Bedework personal calendaring client, for deployment at UC Berkeley in late 2010. These enhancements will be included in the next Bedework release.

Since the first Bedework release in March 2006, Bedework has been deployed more often for public events calendaring than personal calendaring. This is not all that surprising as Bedework 3.0 did not offer strong support for personal calendaring, and other products, such as Microsoft Exchange, which did provide strong personal calendaring, did not offer public events calendaring.

Nonetheless, it was always our intention that Bedework should be equally useful for personal calendaring as for public events and other aspects of enterprise calendaring. Whereas we have made considerable progress with Bedework personal calendaring since the 3.0 release, we knew there was more work to be done to meet the broadest needs and expectations.

Late this fall, UC Berkeley asked us if we would consider significant enhancements to Bedework personal calendar to provide the functionality
they needed to deploy Bedework on their campus. We were very excited at the prospects of collaborating with Berkeley, and a Bedework deployment at Berkeley, but we also needed to be sure that Berkeley's needs were consonant with those of the Bedework community if we were to participate.

In December, we hosted a meeting at RPI to discuss the potential project. We were pleased to learn that Berkeley's requirements amounted to making the personal calendaring client more feature complete and competitive with other calendaring clients, in five areas:

  • Support for scheduling and managing resources
  • Managing groups and group invitations
  • Improvements to the web client UI for Free/Busy
  • Improved UI and platform support for integrating external iCal/CalDAV Feeds, especially Google calendar
  • Significant improvements to the personal calendaring client UI

Additionally, Berkeley was not asking for any features which might facilitate implementation of their local policies and procedures but would not be of use to other Bedework adopters. In other words, we found we had a win/win situation.

We are still finalizing some contractual details, but we can share now that:
1. All work performed under this collaboration will be contributed, unencumbered, to the Bedework source code repository.
2. Features and functionality developed under this collaboration will be included in the Bedework 3.7 distribution.

With Bedework 3.6 released, we can now focus on providing these significant and welcome enhancements to the Bedework personal calendaring client. We look forward to working with our colleagues and friends at Berkeley in this collaboration, and also as members of the Bedework Steering Committee.

On behalf of the Bedework development team,
Gary Schwartz


Jasig Newsletter - February 2010

Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can be found in the Jasig wiki at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/Newsletter