Newsletter - 201009 - September 2010
--- DRAFT ONLY ---
- Register for the Jasig Unconference!
- Portlet Development Training following the Jasig 2010 Unconference
Central Authentication Service (CAS)
Client and Server Updates
- mod_auth_cas
- Jasig CAS Client for Java
- phpCAS
- .NET Client
- Server
Community News
- Community Call
- Regional Meetups
- Steering Committee Updates
- September 2010 uPortal Community Call
- Steering Committee Update
- Bedework-ing: Jasig Unconference
- Bedework-ing: Updated Bedework 3.6 Quickstart
- Bedework-ing: Bedework 3.7 milestone release
- Bedework-ing: DBMS
- Bedework-ing: Jasig Calendar
- Bedework-ing: Recent Bedework deployments
- Bedework-ing: Calendaring Industry News
- 2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference - Anaheim, California (October 12-15, 2010)
- Fall 2010 Internet2 Member Meeting - Atlanta, Georgia (November 1-4, 2010)
- Kuali Days 2010 - San Diego, California (November 8-10, 2010)
Register for the Jasig Unconference!
Still haven't registered for the 2010 Jasig Unconference?
Special discount rates at the conference hotel end Oct 3, 2010!
The Unconference is shaping up to be another great event for open source developers.
Community developers for all our projects will be available to share, collaborate, review, teach, and learn!
- Review the latest work on Jasig Portlets
- Learn about JSR 286 development
- Get help with local portlet development
- Bring your own portlet work for code review
- Learn about the initiative for Grouper/uPortal integration
- Get an early look at upcoming new features
- Learn about the ongoing uPortal documentation project
- Preview the Bedework 3.7 release
- Learn about Restful Web Services for Calendaring
- Check out the upcoming personal calendaring features
- Get help with Bedework integration
- Speak with the experts
- Learn about new plans for multi-factor authentication
- Discuss the CAS roadmap
- Learn all about this incubated IdM application from project participants
- Learn about this full-featured, incubated, open source application from the institution that just completed the first North American installation
IT Ecosystem
- Our newest Incubation project helps IT departments visually map the components of their infrastructure and view their dependencies--from networks to servers to applications, and more.
The Details:
October 18-20, Unconference sessions
October 20-21, Developer/Implementer meetings
University of St. Francis
500 Wilcox St., Joliet, IL 60435
Harrah's Joliet
151 N. Joliet Street, Joliet, IL
Reservation Line: 800-Harrahs (1-800-427-7247)
Hotel Direct #: (815) 740-7800
Room rate: $88.99 plus tax per room. Includes breakfast voucher for breakfast in the Union Station Buffet.
Rooms must be booked by 10/3/2010 to get the guaranteed rate.
Reference group code "S1017JC" to get the special Jasig rate.
See you at the Jasig Unconference,
The Fall 2010 Unconference Organizers
Portlet Development Training following the Jasig 2010 Unconference
Unicon is pleased to offer a portlet development training class coinciding with the Jasig Unconference. This training class educates about the functionality and capabilities of Java portlets and how to develop them. The timing and location of this class gives conference attendees an opportunity to leverage their Jasig Unconference travel expenses.
When: Wednesday, October 20 - Friday, October 22, 2010
Where: University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL
Explore the functionality and capabilities of portlets.
The Portlet Development Training course serves as an introduction and guide to developing standards-compliant portlets. With this training course you will receive hands-on experience ranging from the building and deployment of portlets to techniques for organizing code in a clean, architecturally-sound way.
Join Andrew Wills, Software Architect at Unicon, as he guides you through this exclusive Portlet Development Training course. This training will transform your ability to successfully develop portlets.
Topics for this training course include:
- Portlet Specification Overview
- Apache Pluto Overview
- Portlet API
- Obtaining 3rd-party Portlets
- Portlet Installation
- Development Environment
- Use of Eclipse IDE
- Hello World Portlet
- Advanced Portlet Applications
- Portlet Security
- Debugging Portlets
- uPortal Roadmap
To learn more about Unicon's Portlet Development Training, click here:
Act Fast!
Seating is limited, so register today.
Signing up is easy – Just click the register link below. Cost for this training course is $1,495.
Registration Link at:
Central Authentication Service (CAS)
Client and Server Updates
- mod_auth_cas 1.0.9 release is right around the corner if there's more available testers
- current trunk has a number of new features including curl support (also needs testing)
- Looking for Windows testers so that the project is able to continue including Windows support
Jasig CAS Client for Java
- Marching towards a 3.1.12 release with improved JAAS support, and new Tomcat integration
- Forthcoming 3.2 release will require Java 5 and switch license to Apache 2
- phpCAS welcomes a new developer, Matthew Brooks, who will be assisting with future development.
- phpCAS recently released version 1.1.3 RC1 with seven bug fixes. Its stable enough for testing. Its targeted for an end of September release.
- phpCAS is actively working on version 1.2.0, with two major remaining tasks and an ETA of late November / early December.
.NET Client
- The .NET Client team plans to release their 1.0 client during the fall.
- Hard at work on the 3.5 release by finalizing APIs and adding more SAML2 support
- Multi-Factor Calls continue almost weekly
- Working on UI enhancements to the example UI which should provide a good basis for deployers
Community News
Community Call
September was the first month the new format for the community call, and it was a great success. Howard Gilbert, from Yale University, presented on their experience with clustering CAS using JBoss Cache. The slides and audio of that call can be found here:
Regional Meetups
The CAS Steering Committee is looking to organize regional meetups with the following goals:
- Facilitating local networking between CAS users
- Introducing new co-workers to Jasig and open source
- Sharing (and documenting) tips and other collective knowledge
- Collaborating on outstanding issues and new features
We're looking to host our first one in the New York City area in order to get folks from Connecticut, New Jersey and New York. If your organization or institution can donate some space, please contact Scott Battaglia.
Future sites include Central Florida, Princeton, NJ, and the Seattle, Washington area.
Register your interest in a regional meet up:
Steering Committee Updates
The Steering Committee is starting its new term. Eric Pierce, who did not run for re-election, ended his term. We wish him well, and expect him to continue to be involved in Jasig CAS. William Thompson (who many of you may remember from the earlier uPortal days) joins us. Andrew Petro and Marvin Addison return for another term. Marvin was also elected by his peers to be this term's chair.
The committee is looking forward to continuing to drive the evolution of CAS and engage the CAS community.
- September 2010 uPortal Community Call
The uPortal Steering Committee held its most recent uPortal Community Call on Thursday September 30 at 11:30am EST. The agenda included:
- Introduction/Announcements
- uPortal Update
- Portlets update
- Documentation update
- Ohio University Portlets Demo
An archived version of the slides and audio will be available at If you have ideas for future calls or would like to demonstrate some of your portal functionality, please email uportal-steering-committee at lists dot jasig dot org.
- Steering Committee Updates
The uPortal Steering Committee welcomes its newest elected member, Laura McCord from Southwestern University. Laura will continue to act as the uPortal documenation coordinator where she is successfully leading an effort to improve the uPortal user manual. She will be collaborating with others in the community at the Jasig Fall Unconference in addition to soliciting contributions via email. Welcome aboard, Laura!
- Bedework-ing: Jasig Unconference
Bedework developers Mike Douglass, Arlen Johnson, Barry Leibson, and hopefully, many of you, will be attending the Unconference. Two very timely topics which we could discuss at the Unconference are: the new features in the Bedework 3.7 milestone release, and the recent work in CalConnect and OASIS on a web services calendaring standard.
- Bedework-ing: Updated Bedework 3.6 Quickstart
On September 14th, a bug-fix release of the Bedework 3.6 quickstart (v. was made available for download at
This latest release includes bug-fixes (no surprise there) and a few configuration additions:
- CalDAV updates
- Fixes to disallow adding of certain characters in calendar system (path) names
- Fix to sorting bug (events were not in chronological order) in public clients
- Fix to recurring events in which instances could be orphaned
- Addition of PostgreSQL config files
- New key generator service available from the JMX console
- Bedework-ing: Bedework 3.7 milestone release
We anticipate a Bedework 3.7 milestone release will be available prior to the Unconference. This release is largely a product of the collaboration between RPI and the University of California at Berkeley, and focuses on personal calendaring. Additionally, BW 3.7 will have much improved CardDAV and addressbook capabilities, and implements the (evolving) CalConnect/OASIS web service interface.
- Bedework-ing: DBMS
We announced on the BW lists that, PostgreSQL is now the recommended OSS DBMS for use with Bedework. The BW documentation will be updated to reflect this change away from MySQL. The postings to the list contain additional technical detail, and follow-up discussion.
- Bedework-ing: Jasig Calendar
Planning and development continue on the BW calendar for Jasig projects. We anticipate this new feature will be available from the Jasig web site prior to the Unconference.
- Bedework-ing: Recent Bedework deployments
We welcome Centenary College,, the Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre,, and the University of Notre Dame,, to the Bedework family.
- Bedework-ing: Calendaring Industry News
"CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring" has been published as a CalConnect Proposal. This specification provides a RESTful web services protocol for calendaring operations, and was developed in conjunction with the OASIS WS-Calendar technical committee. Mike Douglass served as editor for the CalConnect document, which is available at
The OASIS WS-Calendar TC has been developing a web servicesspecification for calendaring. (This specification builds on CalConnectdocument just mentioned.) Bedework 3.7 will have an implementation ofthis still evolving standard.
WS-Calendar, for which Mike Douglass is co-editor, as well as theaccompanying "Conceptual Overview of WS-Calendar" are now available for public review and comment. The full OASIS announcement, including howto participate in the public review, can be found at:
2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference - Anaheim, California (October 12-15, 2010)
"In the realm of higher education information technology, no other event brings together more powerful, creative minds in the field than the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference…
CONNECT with colleagues and explore solutions to today’s common higher ed IT challenges.
EMPOWER action by uncovering new ways to enhance your campus’s resources and policies.
REVITALIZE and ignite ideas that help you navigate and shape our ever-changing future.
The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference unites the best thinking in higher education IT by bringing together insightful people, innovative research, supportive companies, and useful resources...providing you opportunities to:
- Network with peers who share similar interests and concerns
- Explore 7 tracks, more than 250 sessions, and over 200 exhibitors
- Discover Point/Counterpoint, Lightning Round, In the Hot Seat, and Discussion Sessions
- Refresh & Renew by learning from nearly 500 forward-thinking, inspirational speakers
Whether your focus is on administration, teaching and learning, information technology infrastructure, information systems, cybersecurity, policy, library systems or information technology leadership, there's something at the annual conference for you."
Fall 2010 Internet2 Member Meeting - Atlanta, Georgia (November 1-4, 2010)
"The Internet2 community will come together from November 1--4, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia for its annual Fall Member Meeting."
"Internet2 Member Meetings bring the member community together for interactive discussions about new and ongoing work and provide a venue for members to make connections and form new collaborations. Additionally, the side meetings held in conjunction with the Member Meeting provide forums for Working Groups, SIGs and BoFs to meet face-to-face."
Follow us on Twitter: #I2FMM10
Kuali Days 2010 - San Diego, California (November 8-10, 2010)
With Kuali projects moving from theory to practice and more institutions adopting Kuali applications, Kuali Days is changing from an internal community event focused on teams of subject matter experts to an event that will engage a wider audience that includes adopters, potential adopters, and end-users. We encourage the Kuali community to join us for the next generation of Kuali Days.
Conference attendees include a variety of people from current and potential member institutions, adopters, and commercial businesses including executive leaders, users, implementation staff and developers from Kuali applications. The tracks featured this year will follow the conference theme of From Theory to Practice.
- Kuali Financial Systems (KFS)
- Kuali Coeus (KC)
- Kuali Student (KS)
- Kuali Rice (Rice)
- Kuali Implementers
- Other Topics
Jasig Newsletter - September 2010
Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)
Online edition at:
Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can also be found in the Jasig wiki at: