Newsletter - 200911 - November 2009

Newsletter - 200911 - November 2009

Jasig Newsletter - November 2009


1 Upcoming Events

1.1 Save the Dates: Jasig Spring 2010 Conference - San Diego, California (March 2010)
1.2 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)
1.3 The 2010 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World - Boston, Massachusetts (June 22-25, 2010)

2 Jasig Project Updates

2.1 Central Authentication Service (CAS)
2.1.1 CAS Server 3.3.5 Release
2.1.2 OpenRegistry 0.1-M2 Release
2.1.3 ClearPass 1.0.0.GA
2.2 uPortal
2.2.1 Subscribe to the New uPortal YouTube Channel
2.2.2 Export for Upgrade releases of uPortal 2.5 and 2.6

3 Jasig Incubator

3.1 Jasig - Bedework Calendar Webinar

4 Around Jasig

4.1 Webinar - Enterprise Portals as the User Interface of Services-Oriented Architecture (Unicon, Inc.)
4.2 "Why or Why Not" Open Source - Take the Survey Now
4.3 Fluid Demonstration Portal


1 Upcoming Events

1.1 Save the Dates: Jasig Spring 2010 Conference - San Diego, California (March 2010)

Join us at the Jasig Spring 2010 Conference

"Ten Years of Open Source Innovation"

Where: The Town and Country Resort, San Diego, CA
When: March 8 - 10, 2010
Supplementary Seminars March 7th and 10th
Developer Days, March 11 - 12

Help us celebrate Jasig's 10th anniversary in San Diego with outstanding speakers and special events!

Visit our website: http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/10spring/index.html

Join our Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=158260541286
Look for us on Twitter: #jasig

Hold the dates! We hope to see you this March!

  • The Jasig 2010 Spring Conference Committee

1.2 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)

"The 11th Annual Sakai Conference will be taking place in beautiful Denver Colorado. The conference website with registration information is scheduled to be up and running in mid-February. In the meantime, here are some important dates so you can plan your calendar:

  • Main Conference Dates: Tuesday - Thursday, June 15-17, 2010
  • Pre-conference sessions: Monday, June 14, 2010
  • Project Coordination Meetings: TBD"

Source: http://sakaiproject.org/annual-conference

1.3 The 2010 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World - Boston, Massachusetts (June 22-25, 2010)

"Learn. Network. Experience Open Source.

Boston. June 22-25, 2010

The Red Hat Summit and JBoss World are the premier open source events that bring together engineers, business decision makers, developers and community enthusiasts to learn about the latest in open source cloud, virtualization, platform, middleware, and management technologies.

Attendees will learn about open source advancements through: technical and business seminars, hands-on labs and demos, customer case studies, networking opportunities, partner displays, visionary keynotes, and direct collaboration with Red Hat engineers."

Source: http://www.redhat.com/promo/summit/2010/

2 Jasig Project Updates

2.1 Central Authentication Service (CAS)

2.1.1 CAS Server 3.3.5 Release

We're pleased to announce the 3.3.5 release of the CAS Server. Recent additions include:

  • Expired tickets will not trigger global logout when removed (note, this only works for registries that use the TicketRegistry Cleaners)
  • Improved messages for SAML ticket validation failures
  • All service authorization failures are logged at WARN level
  • Upgrade to JBoss Cache 2.2.1.GA
  • new AuthenticationManager that maps AuthenticationHandlers and CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers such that a successful authentication handler triggers a specific CredentialsToPrincipalResolver (sponsored by Pepperdine University)
  • Upgrade to XMLSec 1.4.3
  • Improved m2Eclipse support
  • Upgrade to Spring Web Flow 1.0.6
  • Customizable attribute can be used for Google Apps login
  • Upgrade to Spring 2.5.6.SEC01
  • Removed whitespace from SAML responses
  • Fixed that misconfigured TicketExpirationPolicies can cause stack overflow errors.
  • Enhancements to failed login attempt throttling (addition of Inspektr-backed version, in-memory IpAddress+NetId version) (sponsored by Unicon's CAS Cooperative Support Program)

The release is available in the Jasig Maven2 Repositories under the groupId org.jasig.cas

The releases are also available from the Jasig Download Center:

Thanks to everyone who helped prepare this release.

Scott Battaglia (Rutgers University), Lead Developer, Jasig Central Authentication Service

2.1.2 OpenRegistry 0.1-M2 Release

The OpenRegistry Development Team is pleased to announce another milestone. Release 0.1-M2 was released today, November 9, 2009.

This release includes:

  • RESTful API for Add System of Record (SoR) Role (unit and integration tests, documentation)
  • RESTful API for Add SoR Person (unit and integration tests, documentation)
  • RESTful API for Delete SoR Person (unit and integration tests, documentation)
  • Upgrade to Bean Validation Specification (using reference implementation of Hibernate Validator)
  • Addition of Database Unique Constraints to all Domain objects

The releases can be downloaded from our Download Center:

Documentation on our RESTful API can be seen in our User Manual:

You can also find the artifacts in the Jasig Maven2 Repository. The groupId is org.jasig.openregistry.

2.1.3 ClearPass 1.0.0.GA Release

We're pleased to announce the release of 1.0.0.GA of the ClearPass Extension for CAS.

ClearPass is designed for that unpleasant task of integrating your single sign on environment with legacy applications. This first release is based on the original work done by Unicon for Sacramento State, and has been sponsored by Unicon's Cooperative Support Program.

ClearPass has been designed as another Maven2 module for your CAS deployment, and as such, is deployed into the Jasig Maven Repository.

Complete instructions on how to incorporate ClearPass into your installation are available here:


ClearPass should work with newer versions of CAS (3.3.3+) and the latest uPortal 3.2 Snapshot.

Scott Battaglia (Rutgers University)

2.2 uPortal

2.2.1 Subscribe to the New uPortal YouTube Channel

Check out uPortal's new YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/uportal.

We're collecting screencasts and videos from around the Web and uploading some new ones as well.

Some current highlights:

  • uPortal 3.2 previews, including the new administration tools
  • A look at the uPortal Mobile Theme for webkit browsers, coming as a beta feature in 3.2
  • A link to Andrew Petro's "Jasig Central Authentication Service in 10 Minutes"

We'll be uploading several more screencasts created by uPortal users in the near future. Would you like to include yours? Email the uPortal Steering Committee for information (uportal-steering-committee at lists.ja-sig.org).

2.2.2 Export for Upgrade releases of uPortal 2.5 and 2.6

The export releases of uPortal 2.5 and 2.6 are targeted at sites currently running uPortal 2.5.X or 2.6.X and planning on upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later. These releases of uPortal include data export scripts back-ported from the uPortal 3.0 code base which include a large number of fixes that were not easily included into the export-addon scripts for 2.X. These releases cannot be used to run a uPortal instance, only to export data from a uPortal 2.5 or 2.6 database for upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later.

The most significant change in these releases compared to the -export.0 versions is the inclusion of the uPortal 3.2 layout export format. This new format supports ALL of the DLM features and all layout structures.

Instructions for using these releases can be found in the release notes on the wiki:

The releases can be downloaded from:

Eric Dalquist (University of Wisconsin - Madison), uPortal Release Engineer

3 Jasig Incubator

3.1 Jasig - Bedework Calendar Webinar

Bedework has been a Jasig "incubator project" for the past several months, on its way to becoming a fully sponsored Jasig project. A webinar was held on November 19th to:

  • introduce both communities to each other
  • describe the Jasig incubation process and report on the status of the Bedework incubation
  • discuss how the transition will affect current Bedework users
  • talk about ways of participating in Jasig activities with respect to Bedework development and governance.

4 Around Jasig

4.1 Webinar - Enterprise Portals as the User Interface of Services-Oriented Architecture (Unicon, Inc.)

"Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides tangible benefits in making the enterprise more responsive to needs for new and innovative capabilities. However, in all the talk of building a set of flexible, coarse-grained, loosely-coupled services, there is little direct focus on the end user. How will users interact with these services? Enterprise Portals provide a perfect place to deploy composite user interfaces for these services. The portal gives us common infrastructure for aggregation, personalization, and access control for a set of modular user interfaces.

Features of this Webinar

  • Reinforcement of the value proposition of the Enterprise Portal
  • Discussion of strategies for delivering an effective SOA UI via the portal
  • Examples of successful higher education enterprise portals
  • Interact with Andrew Petro, Senior Software Developer with Uncion and ask questions along the way"

For further information and to register: http://www.unicon.net/node/1297

4.2 "Why or Why Not" Open Source - Take the Survey Now


Unicon has decided to gather primary research about "why or why not" institutions select open source software. Please fill out this survey to help us discover why institutions select open source or the impediments posed in the selection process.

To take the survey, visit: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Zb28qXptgNzuuNzxF_2f4IVg_3d_3d

Source: http://www.unicon.net/node/1315

4.3 Fluid Demonstration Portal

"Fluid builds user interfaces, designs commonly used interactions, teaches others how to build good user-centred designs, and works with other software projects to integrate our solutions into their applications."

Check out the Fluid Demonstration Portal at: http://fluidproject.org/releases/1.1.2/demos/

Source: http://fluidproject.org


Jasig Newsletter - November 2009

Archives available in the Jasig wiki at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/Newsletter

If your institution or company has items of interest to the Jasig membership, please submit them via email to newsletter at jasig dot org.

The next issue of the monthly Jasig Newsletter will be published on or about December 18th, 2009. Articles for that edition of the newsletter should be submitted no later than Thursday, December 17th, 2009. Thanks!
