Newsletter - 201103 - March 2011

Newsletter - 201103 - March 2011




  • Register Now for Jasig Spring 2011: "Spotlight on Open Source"


Central Authentication Service (CAS)

  • CAS Server 3.4.6 and ClearPass 1.0.7.GA Releases
  • phpCAS 1.2.1 Final Release


  • April 2011 uPortal Community Call
  • uPortal Logo


  • Bedework 3.7 is now available for download!


  • Jasig Executive Officers
  • Patty Gertz Appointed as Jasig Interim Executive Director
  • Jasig and Sakai Establish Formal Working Group
  • Develop Identity Strategies for Software Projects at Advance CAMP
  • Simple RSS Portlet for uPortal, 1.0.1 release




Register Now for Jasig Spring 2011: "Spotlight on Open Source"

When: May 23 - 25, 2011
Supplementary Seminars May 22nd and 25th
Developer Days, May 26th - 27th

10600 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80020 USA
Hotel Front Desk: +1-303.410.5000
Toll Free, Reservations only: 1.800.937.8461
Special rate reservation: http://bit.ly/fceB44

The conference program is now available at http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-source (Click the Program Tab)

Another Keynote just announced!

Theresa Rowe, CIO for Oakland University, will share her insights on working with a university Purchasing Office to develop procedures putting open source applications on equal footing with proprietary ones during the procurement process.

Visit the Jasig Conference Site for more information: http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-source

Register now! Early registration rates run out on April 22nd, so don't delay!https://www.concentra-cms.com/c/jasigs-spotlight-open-source

The Jasig conference is followed by the InCommon Advance CAMP:

Identity Services Summit 2011, May 25 - 27 (same location, separate registration)

The ACAMP program committee has invited all Jasig conference attendees to join them for the first half day's sessions on Wednesday afternoon, at no cost! ACAMP attendees, Jasig invites you to attend our Wednesday morning sessions, too!

Visit the ACAMP event site for more information: https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/ACAMPIdSummit2011/Home

Two great conferences, one great location! If you register to attend both the Jasig Conference and Advance CAMP, you are eligible for a $50 refund on EACH of the conference fees. Send an email to ja-sig@concentra-cms.com when you've completed both registrations and the card you used will be credited back a total of $100, $50 for each conference. What a deal!

See you in Denver!
-The Jasig Spring 2011 Program Committee




Central Authentication Service (CAS)

CAS Server 3.4.6 and ClearPass 1.0.7.GA Releases

Dear CAS Community,

We're pleased to announce the releases of CAS Server 3.4.6 and ClearPass 1.0.7.GA.

CAS Server 3.4.6:
New Features:

  • Flag to disable single log out during ticket clean up
  • Support for Certificate Revocation Checking
  • Über WAR for those who don't want to use Maven WAR Overlay
  • Services Management Auditing via Inspektr
  • Auditing Enabled by Default

Bug Fixes:

  • Session Error in Tomcat 5.5


  • Upgrade to AspectJ 1.6.10
  • Upgrade to Hibernate 3.6.0 Final
  • Upgrade to Inspektr 1.0.1.GA
  • Upgrade to Perf4j 0.9.14

ClearPass 1.0.7.GA:

  • Support for CAS 3.4.6
  • TicketRegistry Decorator for Capturing and Removing username/passwords when ticket is expired/removed.

You can download the CAS distribution from here:http://www.jasig.org/cas_server_3_4_6

We do, however, recommend that instead of directly downloading the project, you use our Maven2 WAR Overlay process:https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Best+Practice+-+Setting+Up+CAS+Locally+using+the+Maven2+WAR+Overlay+Method

Using the Maven2 WAR Overlay works best when integrating with ClearPass:https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/ClearPass



phpCAS 1.2.1 Final Release

Dear CAS Community,

We are pleased to announce the new 1.2.1 release 1 for phpCAS. This release contains only a few minor bug fixes and as a new feature the possiblility to store PGTs in databases:


  • add support for storing PGTs in a database PHPCAS-94 (Daniel Frett)

Bug Fixed

  • phpCAS::setDebug(FALSE) should stop logging PHPCAS-95 (Joachim Fritschi)
  • fix checkAuthenticate return value documentation PHPCAS-92 (Joachim Fritschi)
  • fix PGTStorage contructor name PHPCAS-93 (Daniel Frett)
  • fix the PHPCAS_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE constant PHPCAS-91 (Daniel Frett)
  • fix redirection with multiple proxies in HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST PHPCAS-98 (Joachim Fritschi)
  • fix some undefinde variable warnings in debug mode PHPCAS-96 (Joachim Fritschi)

1 http://downloads.jasig.org/cas-clients/php/1.2.1/




April 2011 uPortal Community Call

Thursday April 14, 2011
8:30am Pacific, 11:30am Eastern, 16:30 BST

The uPortal Steering Committee invites you to join us on our next uPortal Community Call on Thursday April 14 at 11:30am EST. This will be an exciting call covering two major developments. We will first cover the upcoming release of uPortal 4. This major release adds JSR-286 support, a new configurable rendering pipeline, bookmarkable URLs, improved internationalization support, and redesigned administrative tools for group and permissions management.

We will also have an overview and demonstration of uPortal's new native mobile app, initially supporting iPhone and Android. This project will deliver uPortal layouts and portlets to a mobile app while providing integration with native device features such as maps and address books.


Introducing uPortal 4
Introducing uMobile
Webinar video portion:

Adobe Connect http://wisc.na4.acrobat.com/uportal/
Click the "enter as guest" and include your organization in your name, e.g. Jim Helwig (UW-Madison).
Audio portion:

Calliflower service
Dial in Number: +1 646 843 6970 (or see http://bit.ly/dY7cHo for local numbers)
Skype users can connect to "calliflowerskype"
For all connection methods, the PIN to enter for this call is 73292 unless you have a personal PIN

If you have ideas for future calls or would like to demonstrate some of your portal functionality, please email uportal-steering-committee at lists dot jasig dot org.

We hope to see you there!

The uPortal Steering Committee


This Spring we will be refreshing the uportal.org web site. As part of that effort, we are reviewing the uPortal logo and we would like your help in deciding what our logo should be!

Please take an opportunity today to review and rank the logos at:https://uwmadison.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_4Uc7Vjcf5K2d4xe


Jim Helwig
uPortal Steering Committee Chair



Bedework 3.7 is now available for download!

The Bedework 3.7 release is now available for download at:http://www.jasig.org/bedework/download

Highlights of the 3.7 release include:

  • The Bedework personal client has been simplified, and presents new displays for FreeBusy and for scheduling and managing meetings.
  • Bedework 3.7 uses CardDAV for managing contacts, and provides a new, standalone address book web client as well as a significantly improved and enhanced CardDAV V4 server.

More specifically:

  • Improved internationalization - the web clients are distributed with language strings in Spanish (all clients) and German (public and personal clients). The Spanish translations are the result of a collaboration between the Universidad Pública de Navarra and their Pamplona colleagues at Universidad de Navarra, and the German translation is the contribution of Werner Frerichs of the University of Kiel.
  • Personal calendaring client UI has been upgraded, with particular attention to Scheduling and Free/Busy
  • Improved environmentals - Reduced memory footprint in the quickstart; logging overhead has been decreased
  • Public and private calendar display names can now be changed, providing a means to safely modify the labeling of calendars over time as well as stronger internationalization.
  • Addressbook enhancements, including a CardDAV V4 server, support for groups, and a stand-alone address book web client appropriate for deployment within multiple applications
  • An initial version of the CalWS restful web service API is available in the system shipped with the quickstart. See: http://www.calconnect.org/pubdocs/CD1011%20CalWS-Rest%20Restful%20Web%20Services%20Protocol%20for%20Calendaring.pdf
  • A number of bug fixes

We are very excited by feature and enhancements in Bedework 3.7, and hope you will take the opportunity to explore them for yourself.

On behalf of the Bedework Steering Committee,
Gary Schwartz




Jasig Executive Officers

The Jasig Board selects its executive officers each year following general elections for board positions. This year the following directors are serving in executive roles:

Jens Haeusser, University of British Columbia, Chair (Formerly Vice Chair)
Robert Sherratt, University of Hull, Vice Chair
Tim Archer, University of St. Francis, Treasurer (Second Year)
Katya Sadovsky, University of California--Irvine, Secretary (Second Year)

The Jasig Board maintains a distribution list: board@lists.jasig.org. Feel free to send non-project-related queries and comments there. For non-technical communication about specific projects, please email the respective project steering committee:



Patty Gertz Appointed as Jasig Interim Executive Director

Community Members,

Last month, I wrote to inform you that Jonathan Markow was stepping down as Jasig Executive Director, effective February 28th, 2011. It is with great pleasure that, on behalf of the Jasig Board of Directors, I am today announcing that Patty Gertz will be assuming the role of Interim Executive Director, effective March 1st, 2011.

Patty has had a long relationship with the Jasig community. An active participant for many years, Patty served as a member of the Jasig Board of Directors from 2002-2007, as well as chairing the Jasig conference in 2000 and 2003. Patty has also had a long and distinguished career in Higher Education IT, recently retiring as Director of Development Information Systems after a 30 year career at Princeton University.

As Interim Executive Director, Patty will help ensure the growth and long term success of the Jasig community. After playing an instrumental role with the original incorporation of Jasig as a non-profit organization back in 2005, Patty is uniquely placed to help oversee our discussions with the Sakai community, as well as working to strengthen and grow our existing community projects.

Patty will be an active participant at the upcoming Jasig conference this May in Denver, and is looking forward to meeting many of you in person. She can also be reached by email at ed@jasig.org , and is always eager to hear from our community members.

Jens Haeusser
Chair, Jasig Board of Directors


Jasig and Sakai Establish Formal Working Group

Community members,

Back in October 2010, the Jasig and Sakai boards jointly announced our intention to pursue the possibility of bringing our communities together. Since then, members of both boards have been meeting regularly to develop a mission and charter for a collaborative working group. In addition, we have performed an initial analysis of the scope and effort required for this undertaking, and are more confident than ever in the outcome. We are committed to continuing with a complete due-diligence analysis of the synergistic possibilities of such a partnership. Progress on this front has been slow but steady since October, and we plan to accelerate our efforts starting this month.

The following is the mission and charter for a Joint Working Group that also doubles as a high-level road map of what lies ahead of us. We look forward to engaging with our communities in the months to come, both electronically but also in person at the Jasig and Saki conferences in May and June. You can find out how to stay more involved with these efforts at the bottom of the charter, or, as always, can send your comments either directly to myself, or to the full Jasig Board of Directors at board@lists.jasig.org .

Jens Haeusser
Chair, Jasig Board of Directors


In October, the boards of Jasig and the Sakai Foundation announced to their communities that the two non-profit organizations had decided to pursue an opportunity to join together. The new entity would “foster the development and use of open source software that supports the academic mission”. More specifically, the resulting foundation would promote the development and sustainability of multiple open source projects and communities of practice dedicated to exploring the use of open source systems, tools, and processes to support teaching, learning, research, and other aspects of the academic enterprise.

Both boards felt that the similarities in goals, values, and practices between Sakai and Jasig could form the basis of a combined foundation which would be capable of providing far greater value to our communities than the sum of its parts.

Since the October announcement, the two boards have formed a Joint Working Group (JWG) whose mission is to perform the work required to fully evaluate the processes and models by which we might effectively bring our two organizations together, seek input and feedback from the Jasig and Sakai communities, and prepare a detailed proposal for acceptance by the respective boards of directors and communities. Specifically, the working group will be responsible for the following:

  • Establish procedures for communicating with the Sakai and Jasig communities to solicit input about the proposed partnership, set up appropriate avenues for dialog, provide relevant information, and report periodically on the status of the Joint Committee’s work.
  • Determine the most effective governance model for the new foundation.
  • Reconcile membership models and design a new, optimized model for institutions, professional affiliates, and commercial entities.
  • Develop policies and procedures for organizational and project governance.
  • Perform due diligence regarding the mechanics and practicalities of joining the two organizations (e.g., finances, legal, licensing, etc.).
  • Develop budget and staffing models.
  • Draft a high-level proposal for additional tasks that would need to be performed by the new organization, e.g., rationalize infrastructure, web presence, collaboration environments and tools, etc.
  • Develop a detailed proposal for joining the two organizations; present it to our communities and boards of directors.

The Jasig-Sakai Joint Working Group will meet regularly over the next several months to work on these activities. Sub-groups will be formed to work on specific deliverables. The group aims to complete its work by October of 2011.

Community members who have questions or who wish to comment on the evolving plans are invited to subscribe to the Google Group, “Jasig Sakai Collaboration” at http://groups.google.com/group/jasig-sakai-collaboration/subscribe. The JWG will periodically post documents, questions and ideas to this group for community feedback. If appropriate, a FAQ will be created to respond to regularly posted questions.

We look forward to working together over the next several months and invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and concerns about this process, its objectives, and its deliverables.


Develop Identity Strategies for Software Projects at Advance CAMP

Advance CAMP: Identity Services Summit III
Westminister, Colorado * May 25-27, 2011https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/ACAMPIdSummit2011/Home

Want solutions for better provisioning, access management or other identity-related problems? Interested in working with identity leaders and developers across higher education to help design the next generation architecture?

Register now for the Advance CAMP: Identity Services Summit III, May 25-27, 2011, in Westminister, Colorado to discuss identity-related implementations and alignment across projects.

Advance CAMP is actively seeking the participation of architects, developers, and deployers of open source and commercial-sponsored software, services, and frameworks to:

  • Engage in solving identity-related challenges of importance to you
  • Hear about who's doing what and how to participate in or leverage their activities
  • Develop your take-aways for using technologies such as Facebook, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, Kuali KIM, OpenSocial, Spring, and Django among others

REGISTER BY APRIL 22 to save money with low early-bird rates and ensure you get a room in the hotel block.

COME EARLY and attend Jasig's Spotlight on Open Source Conference held just prior to Advance CAMP at the same location. Information can be found at http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-source.

SPECIAL RECIPROCAL PROMOTION for Jasig and Advance CAMP attendees! Jasig registrants can attend Advance CAMP Wednesday afternoon sessions as our guest! Advance CAMPers can come early and attend the Jasig sessions for free on Wednesday morning.

ADVANCE CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2, Jasig, and the Kuali Foundation.


Simple RSS Portlet for uPortal, 1.0.1 release

I am very pleased to announce the 1.0.1 release of the Simple RSS Portlet for uPortal.

This portlet is, quite simply, an RSS/Atom feed reader with a remarkably simple interface! It is designed to be a drop in replacement for the deprecated CSyndFeed channel and it supports feed entry images.


  • Renders all forms of RSS and Atom feeds.
  • Prioritises and displays images contained in the feed.
  • Feeds and images are cached for quick access.
  • Can be setup as a portlet publishing type to allow multiple pre configured portlets to be deployed.
  • Supports the CONFIG mode for run-time configuration.
  • Designed to be a drop in replacement for the deprecated CSyndFeed channel (uses the same markup).

More information including a comprehensive installation and configuration guide, screenshots and project road map is all available on the Jasig wiki: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/Simple+RSS+Portlet

Steve Swinsburg (The Australian National University)


Jasig Newsletter - March 2011

Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)

Online edition at: http://www.jasig.org/jasig-newsletters/march-2011

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can also be found in the Jasig wiki at: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/JSG/Newsletter
