Newsletter - 201004 - April 2010

Newsletter - 201004 - April 2010




The Jasig Incubator

  • The Jasig Incubator - What's the Big Idea?
  • Incubation Working Group News

Central Authentication Service (CAS)

  • CAS Screencasts from Jasig 2010


  • uPortal Documentation
  • uPortal Community Call


  • Bedework Sessions from Jasig 2010
  • Jasig Strategic Planning: Soliciting Input
  • Jasig 2010 Screencasts Now Online!
  • Jasig 2010 Conference Videos Are Online
  • Unicon's Cooperative Support Program
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Goes Live With Bedework
  • uPortal Platform and Portlet Development Class (Unicon, Inc.) - University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland)
  • Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)
  • 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)
  • OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)




The Jasig Incubator

The Jasig Incubator - What's the Big Idea?

Last year Jasig began an incubation process for higher education open source projects. Since its start, a number of projects have applied for incubation, both large and small. Some of the smaller ones are useful portlets for uPortal or any other standards-compliant portal. Some of the larger projects still in incubation are OpenRegistry, an Identity Management System (IDMS) that's a place for data about people affiliated with your organization. (http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/OR/Home) and HelpDesk, an enterprise help desk application contributed by ESUP-Portail, our colleagues in France (http://www.esup-portail.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=884762). Last month we celebrated Bedework, the enterprise calendar system, for its emergence from the Incubator as an official Jasig project (http://www.bedework.org).

What's the idea behind the Jasig Incubator? We are aiming to provide a home to worthy projects in search of community. And what is worthiness, in Jasig terms? Projects that qualify for the Incubator are created by people who are passionate about their work. Often, but not always, they are already in use at one or more institutions providing value that deserves to be shared. They are open source and standards-based, and they fill a need in higher education. Schools that apply to the Incubator are seeking collaborators from other like-minded institutions.

If they meet these criteria and are accepted, Jasig helps mentor the team to meet the requirements of an official project (e.g., is properly licensed; forms a steering committee; adopts sound development, quality, and release policies; has attracted diverse committers; practices Jasig values and processes; and shows other signs of sustainability).

The project can then take advantage of what Jasig has to offer: a technology infrastructure and services; mailing lists, announcements, wiki, and web presence; governance policies; conferences, meetups, and training opportunities; a growing team of commercial partners and affiliates; and, most important, a community of peers who value collaboration and sharing in the interests of creating high-value software for higher education.

We know that it doesn't make sense to create these applications on our own and that our best chance for sustainable software is through building community. Hence the Jasig Incubator.

If you would like to learn more about the Jasig Incubator, send an email to info at jasig dot org.


Incubation Working Group News

The incubation committee has accepted three new projects into incubation this month:

.NET CAS client submitted by Marvin S. Addison
Email Preview Portlet submitted by Jen Bourey
News Reader Portlet submitted by Anthony Colebourne
We look forward to working with these folks to complete incubation requirements.

The Resource Server, a utility web application included with uPortal 3.x, has graduated from incubation and is a fully sponsored Jasig project.

Susan Bramhall, Jasig Incubation Working Group


Central Authentication Service (CAS)

CAS Screencasts from Jasig 2010

A number of CAS and CAS-related screencasts have been made available at screencasts.com including:

CAS Clustering for High Availability
CAS in Context - Explained, Deployed, Extended
CAS Roadmap
ClearPass - A CAS Extension for Credential Replay

For a complete list of Jasig 2010 Screencasts, go to http://www.screencast.com/t/N2Q0MDc2M

Scott Battaglia (Rutgers University), Lead Developer, Jasig Central Authentication Service



uPortal Documentation

Andrew Petro and Jen Bourey recently pulled together an updated Frequently Asked Questions page for uPortal on the Jasig website at http://www.jasig.org/uportal/documentation/faq. This serves as a great introduction for those who want to find out about uPortal features, community, and licensing. We are working on further improvements to the web site highlighting what makes uPortal unique.

Work is also coming along on the uPortal 3.2 Manual on the Jasig wiki at http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPM32/. Jen Bourey is heading up that effort and is initially focusing on documenting what has changed or is new with uPortal 3.2. For the time being, information that has not changed can be referenced in prior manuals. If you have suggestions about what you would like to see in the manual, please comment on the related Jira issue at http://www.ja-sig.org/issues/browse/UP-2522.


uPortal Community Call

On April 15th we held our third uPortal Community Call (see http://www.slideshare.net/uportal). Jen Bourey went over the latest development efforts on both the uPortal 3.2 and the upcoming uPortal 3.3. She also led a discussion regarding what the community would like to see when it comes to integrating Content Management Systems (CMS) with uPortal. There seems to be interest in having a lightweight, built in CMS tool as well as the ability to integrate with other existing CMS systems on campus. We encourage you to add your thoughts and use cases on this subject to teh wiki at http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/uom8AQ.

Due to problems with the Adobe Connect hosting, a number of attendees were unable to view the screen cast. This also prevented Erik Olsson from demonstrating an innovative student check list portlet in use at the University of California Irvine. We are looking forward to that demo as part of the next uPortal Community Call at 11:30 ET on Thursday, May 13th.

Contributed by:
Jim Helwig, uPortal Steering Committee



Bedework Sessions from Jasig 2010

You can find screencast recordings of the Bedework presentations from Jasig 2010 in San Diego, including the following:

  • Bedework Overview
  • Bedework - Beyond the Out of Box Experience

Link: http://www.screencast.com/t/N2Q0MDc2M




Jasig Strategic Planning: Soliciting Input

Dear Jasig Community,

On behalf of the Jasig board of directors, I'd like to thank everyone for helping us achieve another successful conference last month. The board looks forward to our conferences and unconferences as opportunities to meet face-to-face with our community participants. Additionally, the board places high value on these gatherings because we conduct our face-to-face board meetings during them.

This year's conference was particularly fruitful for us. We had an opportunity to meet with Justin Erankrantz of Apache and Rod Johnson of SpringSource to try and understand their organizations better and how they do business. They provided valuable insight into their organizations, which led us to think about ways we can make the Jasig community stronger.

During our board meetings, we reviewed the current state of Jasig and the long-term outlook for the organization and its products. Over the next year, the Jasig board of directors will be focusing its efforts on strategic planning with the goal of long-term community sustainability and growth. There are a number of areas where Jasig would like to invest its membership income back into the organization - infrastructure and services is just one example. Additionally, we will be analyzing ways to better align project governance, institutional/organizational membership, and community/project participation.

Lastly, we will be evaluating opportunities for partnering with other higher-ed open/community-source organizations around things like shared services and shared conferences. We will also be analyzing whether there is any potential for an even healthier, more vibrant, and more sustainable community by merging with other organizations.

In the coming weeks we will be providing a number of avenues for gathering feedback from you. We're interested in understanding how you feel Jasig provides value to the community and would really appreciate your participation. In the meantime, please feel free to send any suggestions directly to the board - board@lists.ja-sig.org.

I'd be happy to speak with you if you have any further questions.

Aaron Godert
Chair, Board of Directors


Jasig 2010 Screencasts Now Online!

TechSmith, a sponsor of the Tenth Anniversary Jasig 2010 Conference, captured several of our presentations with Camtasia Relay and are hosting them online for us at screencast.com.

The screencasts include both slides and audio, and you are now able to view them at http://www.screencast.com/t/N2Q0MDc2M.

We wish we could have included more, but the ones that are available are terrific. Thanks, TechSmith!



Jasig 2010 Conference Videos Are Online

Kaltura, one of our conference sponsors, is hosting videos we took at the Jasig Tenth Anniversary Conference in San Diego. We've only got a small
selection available, but the three keynotes are up there (Greg Jackson, Justin Erenkrantz, and Rod Johnson), as well as several other excellent
presentations, so click here ( http://www.jasig.org/conf/2010/spring ) and enjoy. Thanks, Kaltura, and thanks also to our volunteer "video squad", Mark Rogers and Robert McDonald.


Unicon's Cooperative Support Program

University of Findlay, California State University (Sacramento), Bryant & Stratton College, Ryerson University, and Texas A&M University have joined Unicon's Cooperative Support Program to receive corporate-sponsored support for CAS (Central Authentication Service) Single Sign-On. Unicon's Cooperative Support Program provides member institutions with a predictable cost support solution for their open source projects, along with a dedicated team of expert development and technical support specialists for direct technical support and assistance. All development work and fixes performed by the team for individual institutions are contributed back and shared with the open source community. In addition to CAS, Unicon currently offers support for uPortal, Sakai, and Shibboleth.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Goes Live With Bedework

Just want to announce that we are live with Bedework for our Prescott Campus calendar. We will soon be deploying for our Daytona Beach campus as well.


Eric A. Fisher
Director, Middleware and Web Content Services
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


uPortal Platform and Portlet Development Class (Unicon, Inc.) - University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland)

Unicon, Inc., will be conducting a five-day training class titled, "Combined uPortal Platform and Portlet Development" at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. The class runs from Monday, May 10 to Friday, May 14. There are eight slots available and the cost is $4,000 USD per slot. For more information, please visit http://www.Unicon.net.




Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)

For the second year running, Jasig is co-sponsoring the Advance CAMP (ACAMP) Identity Services Summit, this year in collaboration with InCommon, Internet2, and Kuali. Last year's event was a thought provoking gathering of leaders in the higher education identity and access management universe, along with open source project staff with ongoing needs in this space. The 2010 ACAMP follows up with subsequent developments and promises to be equally stimulating.

Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit
Raleigh, North Carolina * June 23-25, 2010 * www.incommon.org/camp

Register now for the Advance CAMP (Campus Architecture and Middleware Planning) workshop, "The Second Identity Services Summit," June 23-25, 2010, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Are you a developer or architect from an open-source or other software or framework project? Want to collaborate on identity and access management approaches to ensure that your delivered software is more secure, easy to integrate and usable?

Attend the Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit to discuss identity-related implementations and alignment across projects. Attendees will:

  • Engage in solving identity-related challenges of importance to you
  • Hear about who's doing what and how to participate in or leverage their activities
  • Consider technologies such as Facebook, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, Kuali KIM, OpenSocial, Spring, and Django, among others
  • Look at possible integration solutions and develop common next steps

Architects, developers, and deployers of open source, and commercial-sponsored software, services, and frameworks will find participation most useful.

REGISTER BY MAY 10 to save money with low early-bird rates: www.incommon.org/camp

CAMP: EXPLORING AND SUPPORTING FEDERATED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT will be held just prior to Advance CAMP. Information can be found on the CAMP landing page: www.incommon.org/camp

ADVANCE CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2, Jasig, and Kuali.

Reference: http://www.incommon.org/camp


11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado, USA (June 2010)

"Sakai community conferences have emerged as high-energy occasions for extended face-to-face interactions between our community of designers, developers, pedagogists, faculty, students, user support specialists, system administrators, educational and collaborative technology managers.
Sakai conferences provide a welcoming and informative venue for all all those interested in seeing what the Sakai community and software are all about.

The 2010 Sakai Conference will be taking place in beautiful Denver Colorado.

  • Main Conference Dates: Tuesday - Thursday, June 15-17, 2010
  • Pre-conference sessions: Monday, June 14, 2010""

Source: http://sakaiproject.org/static/conference-2010.htm


OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)

"OSCON brings together over 2,500 experts, visionaries, and hackers in the trenches to explore all that open source has to offer. OSCON is the premier gathering place to gain exposure to and evaluate the new projects, tools, services, platforms, languages, software, and standards sweeping through the open source community. Whether you want to make it faster, more effective, or more efficient, open source helps you make it happen for the long term."

Source: http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2010


Jasig Newsletter - April 2010

Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can be found in the Jasig wiki at:
