Newsletter - 201005 - May 2010

Newsletter - 201005 - May 2010




Central Authentication Service (CAS)

  • Announcing Jasig ClearPass Extension for CAS
  • PHP CAS Update
  • Honor Roll of CAS Deployers


  • uPortal and Content Management: Webinar Scheduled Next Week


  • Bedework 3.6 bugfix release available for download
  • Upcoming Jasig Services Outage
  • EdUnify Demo Registry Flash Movie and Webinar
  • CSU Chico Goes Live with CAS 3.4.2
  • Innovativ Consulting Partners Becomes First Affiliate for Jasig
  • Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)
  • 11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado (June 2010)
  • OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)
  • 2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference - Anaheim, California (October 12-15, 2010)



Central Authentication Service (CAS)

Announcing Jasig ClearPass Extension for CAS

We're pleased to announce that the Jasig ClearPass Extension for CAS 1.0.3.GA has been released. The major component is out-of-the-box compatibility with CAS Server 3.4.2 (meaning no modified config files for ClearPass support).

Instructions and a small sample project can be found on the CAS wiki : http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASUM/ClearPass


PHP CAS Update

A new stable version (1.1.1) was released on May 5th. http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/cas-clients/php/1.1.1/

The next minor update (1.1.2) is expected for mid-June.

The project is seeking help for development/testing since I'm the only active developer right now.

I have drafted a preliminary roadmap for the client.
Any feedback or ideas are welcome: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASC/phpCAS+Roadmap

Joachim Fritschi


Honor Roll of CAS Deployers

Stand up and be counted!

If you're using CAS, we would love for you to be listed here. Whether you have CAS tips and tricks to share or have nothing to say other than "we brought up an instance to test it out", you're welcome to a listing here.

CAS Deployers: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/JwI



uPortal and Content Management: Webinar Scheduled Next Week

For uPortal users interested in continuing the discussion about potential integration of content management features:

Feel free to join an upcoming webinar discussion hosted by Gauthier Ubersfeld of Anyware Services, a content management system services provider that has worked with uPortal with the University of Pierre and Marie Curie and others.

The agenda is as follows:

The event details are as follows:

Topic: uPortal and Web CMS integration
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting Number: 737 255 887
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
1. Go to https://freetrial.webex.com/freetrial/j.php?ED=134396827&UID=927517327&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. This meeting does not require a password.
4. Click "Join Now".
5. There is a limit of 25 connections for this meeting, which will be filled on a "first come first served" basis.

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: https://freetrial.webex.com/freetrial/j.php?ED=134396827&UID=927517327&ORT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To join the audio conference only:
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300

Access code: 737 255 887



Bedework 3.6 bugfix release available for download

A bugfix release of the Bedework quickstart (v. is available for download at http://www.bedework.org/bedework/update.do?artcenterkey=2

This release includes numerous improvements including updates to caldav, carddav, scheduling, indexing, and recurrence processing.

Arlen Johnson, CMT, DotCIO
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute



Upcoming Jasig Services Outage

Starting at 9pm CDT on Tuesday June 1st the following Jasig services will be unavailable:
Confluence - http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki
Jira - http://www.ja-sig.org/issues
Subversion - https://www.ja-sig.org/svn
Project Downloads - http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads
All of http://developer.jasig.org which includes: Maven Repositories, Fisheye, Bamboo & Developer Sites

The migration will be happening over night thanks to the wonderful folks at Contegix will be hosting our new server. The plan is that services will be restored by noon CDT on Wednesday June 2nd, hopefully it will be much earlier than that.

Important Notes
All existing links will continue to work though the services will be at new URLs, redirects will be maintained for the foreseeable future.
Confluence & Jira accounts are being merged
If you have the same username on both services currently please try both passwords when logging in after the switch
If you have different usernames on both services please contact me after the switch and we can get to moved to a single account
Subversion revision numbers are changing
You will have to do a new checkout of any project hosted by Jasig SVN, svn switch will not work
Please have local changes either committed or a patch created before 9pm CDT on June 1 to ensure you can move the changes into the new repository.

  • Eric Dalquist


EdUnify Demo Registry Flash Movie and Webinar

The PESC EdUnify Task Force recently decided to make some of its collaboration wiki content public as part of its initiative to broaden participation in the initiative.

The wiki is available at...


...and you should be able to get a good idea of what we are doing and where we stand just by reading the main page. There are many opportunities to help out, so if you would like to get involved just e-mail Michael Sessa as indicated on the main page. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think may be interested in learning about or participating in PESC EdUnify.

Note that there is a webinar scheduled for June 1 & 3 on how to use the demo EdUnify registry (based on BioCatalogue). You can view an on-demand Flash demo now and also register for the upcoming webinars at...



CSU Chico Goes Live with CAS 3.4.2

CSU Chico has deployed a single (non-clustered) instance of CAS 3.4.2 to improve our single sign-on capabilities, which include off-campus services such as Google Apps and PeopleSoft 8.9. The auditing capabilities played a large part in the motivation to upgrade. The maven WAR overlay process made upgrading from 3.2 much easier than our past upgrades have been. We plan to continue to roll out more CAS features, like clustering and attribute release, now that we have this new platform to launch from.

We are running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 with Tomcat 5.5.x/Java 1.6 on a VMWare virtual server.

Contributed by: Patrick Berry, CSU Chico


Innovativ Consulting Partners Becomes First Affiliate for Jasig

Princeton, NJ-May 24, 2010-Innovativ Consulting Partners, LLC today announced that it has chosen to join Jasig as a Jasig Affiliate. Innovativ currently supports the Kuali applications, and Jasig's CAS project is integral to Kuali Rice. Innovativ sees this as an opportunity to collaborate between the two organizations.

"Becoming a Jasig Affiliate, Innovativ has taken another step forward in our corporate vision to support the Open Source community and Higher Education industry. In addition, it will keep Innovativ on the leading edge of service delivery to support our growing client base with the best the industry has to offer," said Tony DiSanza, Innovativ's Managing Director. "We envision expanding our Partnership to other levels as Innovativ continues to enhance and expand our solution areas that are carefully aligned to our clients' business needs," said DiSanza.

"We're very pleased to welcome Innovativ as a Jasig Affiliate, our newest membership category," said Jonathan Markow, Executive Director of Jasig. "We're impressed by the company's technology depth and their flexible approach to providing services. They have shown an immediate interest in our community and have already begun participating in our activities. We are looking forward to further growth of the Jasig/Innovativ relationship."

About Innovativ Consulting Partners

Innovativ Consulting Partners is one of the leading education consultants in the country. Innovativ provides Open Source consulting services, PeopleSoft consulting services and Kuali solutions to customers in the Higher Education and Public Sector industries. Innovativ is a premier Open Source and Kuali consultant and provides products and services to support Kuali solutions. The Innovativ team have delivered consulting services and led successful implementations for clients within the Education and Public Sector industries Innovativ is an Oracle Partner and Kuali Commercial Affiliate and Kuali Rice Board member. For more information, visit: www.innovativcp.com, email: info@innovativcp.com or call 800-787-1889.



Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit - Raleigh, North Carolina (June 23-25, 2010)

For the second year running, Jasig is co-sponsoring the Advance CAMP (ACAMP) Identity Services Summit, this year in collaboration with InCommon, Internet2, and Kuali. Last year's event was a thought provoking gathering of leaders in the higher education identity and access management universe, along with open source project staff with ongoing needs in this space. The 2010 ACAMP follows up with subsequent developments and promises to be equally stimulating.

Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit
Raleigh, North Carolina * June 23-25, 2010 * www.incommon.org/camp

Register now for the Advance CAMP (Campus Architecture and Middleware Planning) workshop, "The Second Identity Services Summit," June 23-25, 2010, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Are you a developer or architect from an open-source or other software or framework project? Want to collaborate on identity and access management approaches to ensure that your delivered software is more secure, easy to integrate and usable?

Attend the Advance CAMP: The Second Identity Services Summit to discuss identity-related implementations and alignment across projects. Attendees will:

  • Engage in solving identity-related challenges of importance to you
  • Hear about who's doing what and how to participate in or leverage their activities
  • Consider technologies such as Facebook, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, Kuali KIM, OpenSocial, Spring, and Django, among others
  • Look at possible integration solutions and develop common next steps

Architects, developers, and deployers of open source, and commercial-sponsored software, services, and frameworks will find participation most useful.

CAMP: EXPLORING AND SUPPORTING FEDERATED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT will be held just prior to Advance CAMP. Information can be found on the CAMP landing page: www.incommon.org/camp

ADVANCE CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2, Jasig, and Kuali.

Reference: http://www.incommon.org/camp


11th Sakai Conference - Denver, Colorado (June 2010)

"Sakai community conferences have emerged as high-energy occasions for extended face-to-face interactions between our community of designers, developers, pedagogists, faculty, students, user support specialists, system administrators, educational and collaborative technology managers.
Sakai conferences provide a welcoming and informative venue for all all those interested in seeing what the Sakai community and software are all about.

The 2010 Sakai Conference will be taking place in beautiful Denver Colorado.

  • Main Conference Dates: Tuesday - Thursday, June 15-17, 2010
  • Pre-conference sessions: Monday, June 14, 2010
  • Project Coordination Meetings: TBD"

Source: http://sakaiproject.org/static/conference-2010.htm


OSCON 2010 Open Source Convention - Portland, Oregon (July 19-23, 2010)

"OSCON welcomes everyone passionate about open source, from developers, designers, trainers, and programmers to sys admins, IT managers, hackers, and entrepreneurs.

This year's OSCON takes place July 19-23, 2010 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon. Make plans to make it happen with open source this summer!"

Early Registration Ends: June 2, 2010

Source: http://www.oscon.com/oscon2010
Twitter Tag: #OSCON


2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference - Anaheim, California (October 12-15, 2010)

"In the realm of higher education information technology, no other event brings together more powerful, creative minds in the field than the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference...

CONNECT with colleagues and explore solutions to today's common higher ed IT challenges.
EMPOWER action by uncovering new ways to enhance your campus's resources and policies.
REVITALIZE and ignite ideas that help you navigate and shape our ever-changing future.

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference unites the best thinking in higher education IT by bringing together insightful people, innovative research, supportive companies, and useful resources...providing you opportunities to:

  • Network with peers who share similar interests and concerns
  • Explore 7 tracks, more than 250 sessions, and over 200 exhibitors
  • Discover Point/Counterpoint, Lightning Round, In the Hot Seat, and Discussion Sessions
  • Refresh & Renew by learning from nearly 500 forward-thinking, inspirational speakers

Whether your focus is on administration, teaching and learning, information technology infrastructure, information systems, cybersecurity, policy, library systems or information technology leadership, there's something at the annual conference for you."

Source: http://net.educause.edu/E10


Jasig Newsletter - May 2010

Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can be found in the Jasig wiki at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/Newsletter
