Newsletter - 201101 - January 2011

Newsletter - 201101 - January 2011




  • Register Now for Jasig Spring 2011: "Spotlight on Open Source"


  • Jasig Project Information - Jasig.org


  • Unicon Contributes Software Enhancements to Jasig’s Central Authentication Service (CAS)
  • Day CAMP: Getting Started with InCommon
  • Develop Identity Strategies for Software Projects at Advance CAMP




Register Now for Jasig Spring 2011: "Spotlight on Open Source"

When: May 23 - 25, 2011
Supplementary Seminars May 22nd and 25th
Developer Days, May 26th - 27th


10600 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80020 USA
Hotel Front Desk: +1-303.410.5000
Toll Free, Reservations only: 1.800.937.8461
Special rate reservation: http://bit.ly/fceB44

We are bringing a little touch of Hollywood to Denver and celebrating the increasingly vital role open source software plays in organizations around the world. It's time to put the Spotlight on Open Source!

See presentations and seminars on new technologies soon to impact higher education. You'll be hearing about Spring 3, Groovy, REST, mobile applications, etc.

Plus, be a part of history as the executive directors of Jasig and the Sakai foundation discuss the future of these two organizations. (More keynotes to be announced shortly.)

Spend seminar time implementing and upgrading uPortal, deploying CAS, and optimizing your enterprise calendar; learn how to use uPortal's new mobile theme; build dynamic JavaScript user interfaces using the jQuery toolkit. Learn how to develop next generation portlets, lay the foundation for an enterprise identity management architecture; learn how to submit a project to the Jasig Incubator.

Attend presentations on Identity & Access Management, Sakai OAE, OpenRegistry, Open Source HelpDesk, Internet2 Middleware Solutions, OpenCast, Kuali, and learn about the FIFER initiative.

Visit the Jasig Conference Site for more information: http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-source
Register now! https://www.concentra-cms.com/register/start.action?confId=48

But wait--there's more!! The Jasig conference is followed by the InCommon Advance CAMP: Identity Services Summit 2011, May 25 - 27 (same location, separate registration)

The ACAMP program committee has invited all Jasig conference attendees to join them for the first half day's sessions on Wednesday afternoon, at no cost! ACAMP attendees, Jasig invites you to attend our Wednesday morning sessions, too!

Visit the ACAMP event site for more information: https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/ACAMPIdSummit2011/Home

Two great conferences. One great location!

See you in Denver!
-The Jasig Spring 2011 Program Committee




Jasig Project Information - Jasig.org

To get all of the latest news and information about your favourite Jasig project, visit the project links on Jasig.org at:http://www.jasig.org/2-3-98http://www.jasig.org/bedeworkhttp://www.jasig.org/cashttp://www.jasig.org/portletshttp://www.jasig.org/uportal

Detailed developer and end-user information is still available from the Jasig wiki at:http://wiki.jasig.org
You will also find this link in the "Quick Links" section at Jasig.org.

Project news and information may also be found within the Jasig blogs at:http://www.jasig.org/jasig/blogs

Jasig also has a presence on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter (@Jasig) and LinkedIn.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jasig/158623771332http://twitter.com/#\!/Jasig

And for the ultimate information experience, do yourself a favour and attend the Jasig Spring 2011 Conference "Spotlight on Open Source", to be held May 23-27 in Denver. You won't be disappointed.http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-sourcehttp://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121295681268875




Unicon Contributes Software Enhancements to Jasig’s Central Authentication Service (CAS)

Unicon has announced the availability of new enhancements for Jasig's Central Authentication Service. Throughout the fourth quarter of 2010, the company worked directly with the Jasig product development process and accomplished significant updates, corrections of security vulnerabilities, and bug fixes in releases of the CAS server and client software library. http://bit.ly/eXCCw4


Day CAMP: Getting Started with InCommon

Providence, Rhode Island * February 15-16, 2011 http://www.incommon.org/camp

Thinking about joining the InCommon Federation, but want to know more about what's involved? Or have you just become a member and are now working on next steps?

Consider attending Day CAMP: Getting Started with the InCommon Federation, hosted in Providence, RI, by NEREN, OSHEAN and Five Colleges, Inc with support from Internet2. Registration is now open and all are welcome.

The meeting will feature technical and management information for higher education institutions looking to run an identity provider to access federated services. Attendees will:

  • Discuss the value proposition.
  • Learn what it takes to begin accessing federated services.
  • Link up with experienced colleagues.
  • Leave with concrete, practical information and a local action plan.

Appropriate for any size school, the meeting offers IT managers and technical implementers the chance to learn more about how to federate through InCommon.

PROGRAM: The complete program is posted athttps://spaces.internet2.edu/display/DayCAMP

REGISTRATION: Online registration is open athttp://www.oshean.org/Page/Events/Register/121

RESOURCES: Several resources are now available at the Day CAMP website, including case studies and the InCommon Resources booklet, a handy guide for getting started with federated identity management.https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/DayCAMP/Meeting+Resources

InCommon Day CAMP is sponsored by NEREN, OSHEAN and Five Colleges, Inc., in partnership with Internet2.


Develop Identity Strategies for Software Projects at Advance CAMP

Advance CAMP: Identity Services Summit III
Westminister, Colorado * May 25-27, 2011https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/ACAMPIdSummit2011/Home

Want solutions for better provisioning, access management or other identity-related problems? Interested in working with identity leaders and developers across higher education to help design the next generation architecture?

Register now for the Advance CAMP: Identity Services Summit III, May 25-27, 2011, in Westminister, Colorado to discuss identity-related implementations and alignment across projects.

Advance CAMP is actively seeking the participation of architects, developers, and deployers of open source and commercial-sponsored software, services, and frameworks to:

  • Engage in solving identity-related challenges of importance to you
  • Hear about who's doing what and how to participate in or leverage their activities
  • Develop your take-aways for using technologies such as Facebook, OAuth, OpenID, SAML, Kuali KIM, OpenSocial, Spring, and Django among others

REGISTER BY APRIL 22 to save money with low early-bird rates and ensure you get a room in the hotel block.

COME EARLY and attend Jasig's Spotlight on Open Source Conference held just prior to Advance CAMP at the same location. Information can be found at http://www.jasig.org/jasigs-spotlight-open-source.

SPECIAL RECIPROCAL PROMOTION for Jasig and Advance CAMP attendees! Jasig registrants can attend Advance CAMP Wednesday afternoon sessions as our guest! Advance CAMPers can come early and attend the Jasig sessions for free on Wednesday morning.

ADVANCE CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2, Jasig, and the Kuali Foundation.


Jasig Newsletter - January 2011

Editor: Mark Rogers (University of Manitoba)

Online edition at: http://www.jasig.org/jasig-newsletters/january-2011

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can also be found in the Jasig wiki at: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/JSG/Newsletter
