Bedework Screencasts

Suggestions for Bedework Screencasts/videos:

Introductory / Public relations

version independent: promote Bedework

  • general introduction: what it is, how it helps, and where it's deployed
  • site demonstrations: "How we use Bedework at our site"
Feature overviews / administration / user documentation

version dependent: Bedework features from introduction to specific details

  • public calendaring
    • public web client features (overview)
    • creating cached data feeds and widgets
    • public events administration (overview)
      • creating events (more details, e.g. recurrences)
      • working with administrative groups
      • a review of the system settings (system tab)
      • working with categories and the public calendar tree
      • creating a calendar suite
        • calsuite subscriptions and views
      • featured events
    • submitting public events (submissions client)
      • working with pending events
  • personal calendaring
    • personal web client features (overview)
    • creating events (more details, e.g. recurring events)
    • integration with Apple's iCal
    • integration with Mozilla Lightning
    • integration with the iPhone / iPad
    • calendar sharing
    • scheduling meetings
  • CardDAV server (explanation and benefits)
Installation / integration / technical / theming

version dependent: discussions of installation, theming, and integration with other systems

  • downloading and running the quickstart
  • building Bedework
  • theming overview (where to find the themes and how they work)
  • creating a new theme
  • internationalization / languages
  • building a customized Bedework (setting up local configs)
  • changing the database
  • updating from SVN
  • Bedework with CAS
  • Bedework with Shib
  • Bedework in uPortal