2010-11-18 Bedework Steering Committee Conference Call Agenda
2010-11-18 Bedework Steering Committee Conference Call Agenda
2010-11-18 Bedework Steering Committee Conference Call Agenda
Attendees: Absent: Minutes:
- Welcome (Housekeeping)
- Bedework Status update (Informational)
- Two BW 3.7 Milestone releases were made available
- BW brochure has been translated into Spanish by Public University of Navarra (UPN)
- UPN is collaborating with their colleagues t the University of Navarra on a Spanish language translation of BW 3.7
- We have received an offer of a German Language translation of BW 3.7
- Next month we will be following up on the possibility of open sourcing the Scheduling Assistant application.
- BW 3.7 EWS
- Will have preview code of a web services interface to Exchange 2010. This work will be completed (hopefully) in a post-3.7 release of BW
- BW and EWS – Love at First Sync
- Webinar in December?
- Defections – UCSF(http://cfar.ucsf.edu/cfar?page=calendar-00-00)=maybe, Juilliard=R25
- Jasig Update
- Introducing the new Jasig officers (Informational)
- Chair Jens Haeusser (new)
- Vice Chair Robert Sheratt (new)
- Secretary Katya Sadovsky (unchanged)
- Treasurer Tim Archer (unchanged)
- Strategic Investments (Discussion)
- A small surplus for this fiscal year. How can Jasig best leverage to meet our strategic objectives?
- uPortal requested money for nightly build demo site
- Schwartz has been lobbying for an integrated Jasig demo site
- CAS, uPortal, BW, helpdesk, portlets
- demonstrate comprehensive IHE value out-of-the-box ala Blackboard, C-EAI
- Other potential uses
- Travel
- BW-only demo site
- What else?
- Project Governance Overhaul (Discussion)
- How do we make BW SC more effective?
- Can we increase SC membership and not lose effectiveness?
- Schwartz - need closer coupling between Jasig BOD and SC's
- Resources for SC's – what would be useful?
- Jasig 2011 Conference in Denver (Discussion)
- Jeremy Rosenberg (SFU) as chairing and is seeking, not yet desperately, representation from the Bedework project. Current plans are to start a weekly call on Wednesdays at 1pm ET, later backing off to every couple of weeks perhaps.
- Documentation (Discussion)
- uPortal has enlisted Laura McCord to coordinate documentation
- see uPortal wiki – https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/Home
- CAS is reorganizing online documentation, including marketing-oriented materials such as 'What is CAS?' and 'How different from Shib?' as well as very complete technical documentation for implementers with documentation of extension points.
- The hope is that it will be useful to implementers who want only configuration and build instructions versus those who need to develop extensions.
- Use the wiki ala uPortal for BW docs?
- uPortal has enlisted Laura McCord to coordinate documentation
- Jasig BW calendar status = not put into production yet (Informational)
- Introducing the new Jasig officers (Informational)
- Promoting Bedework
- Telling the BW Story (Discussion)
- One of the things that makes us uniquely human, in addition to ornamental gardens, is that people love to hear and tell stories. We underexploit storytelling in Jasig. Storytelling allows us to connect people with the Jasig mission, culture, and, most importantly, our products/projects. Storytelling allows us to make these connections in large and small ways, and independently of other newsworthy events, such as a software release or significant organizational changes.
- CalConnect has started exploiting its blog, http://calconnect.wordpress.com/, beyond just announcements, to tell stories, such as Observations on "Online calendaring and booking". CalConnect started to use articles in the popular and trade press as jump points for these stories. In other words, we are starting to talk tell people things they do not absolutely need to know (new release, new member, upcoming conference, etc) but which are mutually beneficial to tell and to hear.
- Each of us can tell the Bedework Story- we need to start doing so!
- http://jasig.org/bedework (informational)
- BW History
- Deployments
- Language(s)
- Pub events vs personal
- How to indicate magnitude/scope/size?
- Integrations
- http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/BSC/Promoting+Bedework
- Telling the BW Story (Discussion)
- Whitepaper on BW futures (Discussion)
- trends
- adoptions
- Defections
- Online calendaring in general
- threats
- opportunities
- Recommendations
- trends
- Review of old action items (Deferred)
- New business (Unlikely)
- Upcoming events (Unknown)
- Next call (Anticipated)
- December 18th (Thursday) @ 1130 EDT (the fourth Thursday is Christmas Day)