2010-09-23 Bedework Steering Committee Conference Call Agenda
- Welcome and housekeeping
- Bedework Status update
- New production sites
- Centenary College, http://calendar.centenarycollege.edu/cal
- San Diego State University ("Events at State", http://events.sdsu.edu/),
- The University at Albany (http://events.albany.edu),
- Colgate University (http://calendar.colgate.edu),
- Northern Arizona University (http://events.nau.edu/)
- On Sept 14th, a bug-fix release of the Bedework 3.6 quickstart (v. was made available:
- CalDAV updates
- Fixes to disallow adding of certain characters in calendar system (path) names
- Fix to sorting bug (events were not in chronological order) in public clients
- Fix to recurring events in which instances could be orphaned
- Addition of PostgreSQL config files
- New key generator service available from the JMX console
- PostgreSQL is now the recommended OSS DBMS for use with Bedework. The BW documentation will be updated to reflect this change away from MySQL.
- Working with other calendaring vendors
- New production sites
- Commercial Support
- Girasole Consulting is now a Jasig Affiliate (see http://www.jasig.org/jasig-membership-affiliates), providing Bedework consulting services. Barry Leibson, the principal at Girasole, is a Bedework contributor.
- BW 3.7
- We anticipate a Bedework 3.7 milestone release will be available prior to the Unconference. This release is largely a product of the collaboration between RPI and the University of California at Berkeley, and focuses on personal calendaring. BW 3.7 will have much improved CardDAV and addressbook capabilities, and implements the (evolving) CalConnect/OASIS web service interface.
- Calendaring Industry news
- CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring has been published as a CalConnect Proposal. This specification provides a RESTful web services protocol for calendaring operations, and was developed in conjunction with the OASIS WS-Calendar technical committee. The proposal has been submitted to OASIS for inclusion in the WS-Calendar specification. Mike Douglass served as editor for the CalConnect document, which is available at http://calconnect.org/pubdocs/CD1011%20CalWS-Rest%20Restful%20Web%20Services%20Protocol%20for%20Calendaring.pdf. Mike also is a member of the OASIS Web Services Calendar (WS-Calendar) TC (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ws-calendar), and serves as co-editor of the OASIS "WS-Calendar" standard, currently under development.
- CalConnect's TIMEZONE Technical Committee, chaired by Mike Douglass, has published Timezone Service Protocol and Timezone XML Specification, and the proposals have been submitted to the IETF as Internet Drafts. . The Timezone Service Protocol defines a timezone service protocol that allows reliable, secure and fast delivery of timezone information to client systems such as calendaring and scheduling applications or operating systems. The Timezone XML Specification describes a format for describing timezone information for software and services. ( See http://www.calconnect.org/CD1007%20Timezone%20Service.shtml and http://ietfreport.isoc.org/idref/draft-douglass-timezone-xml/)
- Jasig Update
- Executive Director's update
- Jasig services infrastructure migration
- Jasig elections
- Jasig membership drive
- Other
- Jasig BW calendar - status update
- Planning and development continue on the BW calendar for Jasig projects. We anticipate this new feature will be available from the Jasig web site prior to the Unconference.
- Executive Director's update
- Promoting Bedework
- http://jasig.org/bedework
- BW History
- Deployments
- Language(s)
- Pub events vs personal
- How to indicate magnitude/scope/size?
- Integrations
- http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/BSC/Promoting+Bedework
- Unconference ideas
- SC attendance - who? Gary, Mike, Arlen and …?
- Barry Leibson
- Brainstorming
- Developers discussion BW, uPortal, CAS - introduction, integration, cooperation
- Invite Sakai to talk BW
- BW and cloud
- BW dev topics
- CardDAV
- database
- install/config
- Calendaring as an app/platform
- Internationalization
- documentation
- produce screencasts, interviews for distribution
- SC attendance - who? Gary, Mike, Arlen and …?
- http://jasig.org/bedework
- Review of old action items
- New business
- Upcoming events
- Jasig 2010 "Unconference" is scheduled for October 18 - 20th at St. Francis University
- Next call
- Scheduled for 10/29 @ 1130 EDT
- Welcome and housekeeping
- Bedework Status update
- Promoting BW
- Review of old action items
- New business
- Upcoming events
- Next call