2010-03-26 Bedework Steering Committee Conference Call Agenda

Attendees:  Jonathan Markow, Mimi Mugler, Steve Carmody, Juan Cruz, Gary Schwartz

Absent: Eric Wittman, Mike Douglass, Arlen Johnson, Deb Johnson

Minutes:   Gary Schwartz


  1. Welcome and housekeeping
  2. Bedework Status update
  3. Selection of a chair and secretary for the BW Steering committee
  4. Bedework project structure
  5. Review of old action items
  6. New business
    1. What steps can we take to promote Bedework?
  7. Upcoming events
  8. Next call


  1. Welcome and housekeeping
    1. There was some initial confusion assembling all the participants due to unfamiliarity with the EVO service, and to misinformation on the phone bridge identifiers.
  2. Bedework Status update
    1. Barry Leibson a Bedework contributor, is offering BW consulting services (http://girasolesolutions.com/).We also have spoken to another independent contractor about BW hosting but those talks were inconclusive.
    2. We continue to receive interest off the lists (phone calls, "Contact Us") from sites considering Bedework. Some are from higher ed, others from the commercial space. We have added Jonathan to the "Contact Us" distribution.
    3. The BW lists have been migrated from bedework.org to jasig.org
    4. Jonathan will be visiting RPI on 3/31 to discuss the new Bedework presence on the Jasig web site.
    5. Juan Cruz of the Universidad Pública de Navarra has extended an invitation to Jonathan and Gary to speak at of the CRUE TIC, "something like Conference of Presidents of Spanish Universities about Information Technology and Communications" - http://crue-tic.uji.es. Juan, Gary, and Jonathan will be discussing this event during the week of 3/29.
  3. Selection of a chair and secretary for the BW Steering committee
    1. Gary volunteered to be the initial Chair of the SC, and was selected without opposition.
    2. No one volunteered to server as secretary so that duty will rotate among the other SC members for each call.
  4. Bedework project structure
    1. We briefly explored the notion of formally expanding the BW project to include such areas as Sales/Marketing/Promotion, Packaging/Installation, QA, User Support, Commercial support options, and IDM. We anticipate continuing the discussion on the list and on the next call.
  5. Review of old action items
    1. 2010-02-26:  Jonathan to research implications of not having CCLAs on file for contributors
      1. As we were running short of time, we agreed to table the discussion in favor of continued discussion on the list, and the next call
    2. 2010-02-26:  Mimi to investigate alternate dial-in line
      1. Mimi offered UC Berkeley's dial-in facility
      2. Juan suggested we try EVO, which we used for this call, and probably the next call
    3. 2010-02-26:  All volunteer to become committee chair, committee note-taker 
      1. Gary volunteered as Chair.
  6. New business
    1. What steps can we take to promote Bedework?
      1. Jonathan suggested we missed an opportunity earlier in the week to promote Bedework on the Educause CIO list in response to an inquiry about calendaring.Gary added that one of the roles for the SC is that of advocacy. Steve said he will try to respond to that inquiry the week of 3/29.
      2. Gary suggested using BW for the Jasig public events.
      3. We will continue the discussion on the list and the next call.
  7. Upcoming events
    1. Crue TIC - June 14-15, Universidad Pública de Navarra 
  8. Next call
    1. Friday, April 23, 11:30 EDT;

Old Action Items:

  • 2010-02-26:  Jonathan to research implications of not having CCLAs on file for contributors - pending
  • 2010-02-26:  Mimi to investigate alternate dial-in line  - completed
  • 2010-02-26:  All volunteer to become committee chair, committee note-taker - completed

New Action Items:

  • 2010-03-26: Promoting BW
  • 2010-03-26: Discuss BW SC actions and organization
  • 2010-03-26: BW web presence on Jasig.org