ESUP File Manager Portlet

ESUP File Manager is a JSR286 Portlet. Like BriefCase, Esup File Manager allows users to perform file management on their HomeDirs.


  • full ajax (jquery)
  • WAI User Interface
  • mobile look for browsing files (JQuery Mobile)
  • copy/cut/past, rename, create folder, upload/download files
  • copy/cut/past inter-servers
  • use apache commons vfs -> file systems supported are here :  - uri like file:///home/bob works for example - ftp and sftp ok ...
  • CIFS support (with JCIFS)
  • Webdav support (with Sardine)
  • CMIS support (Apache Chemistry).
  • use spring v3, mvc, annotations, etc.
  • allow to configure servers access with a configuration file
  • 4 authentification mods : no authentification, authentification username/password given in config file, authentification username/password with user form, authentification proxy cas (tested with cassified sftp).


You can download last release of esup-filemanager here :

You can also find this portlet on maven repository (useful to work with portlet-overlay) :


We're using GITHUB now for the development of esup-filemanager

So don't hesitate to fork it and to send us some "pull requests" to improve it !

  1. master branch
    That's the development branch for the releases of esup-filemanager - it uses "portlet 2.0" API (JSR 286).
  2. esup-filemanager-portlet_1_0 branch (deprecated)
    That's the development branch for "portlet 1.0" (JSR 168) compatible releases of esup-filemanager - esup-filemanager 2.x.x releases  come from this branch.
    [tip : use  mvn jetty:run to launch quickly a test of esup-filemanager]


You can test esup-filemanager on pluto. Do simply : 

mvn clean portlet-prototyping:run

Next, point your browser on this url :


With default config file, Bob drive is mapped on  file:///.

Portlet - uPortal deployment

Files that you should modify for configurations :

  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/context/drives.xml
    That's the Main config files (Read it to see what kinds of configurations you can use !).
  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml
     user-attribute tags
  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    For ProxyCAS, setup your cas server.

To deploy esup-filemanager, here the usual command line :

mvn clean package ; cd /opt/uPortal-runn/ ; ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=/home/esup/esup-filemanager/target/esup-filemanager.war

Portlet preferences

Even if the most part of configurations is set on drives.xml, you can also define some portlet preferences when registering/publishing an "Esup File Manager" Portlet.

  • defaultPortletView : can be equals to standard, wai or mobile
  • defaultPath : that's the default path which is opened when the user displays the portlet (if defaultPath is multi-valued, the first available is choosed).
  • contextToken : it allows to show only some drives (that have the same contextToken set up on drives.xml)
  • showHiddenFiles : to hide/show 'hidden files'
  • useDoubleClick : use of double click when browsing
  • useCursorWaitDialog : display a waiting dialog when loading

Some of this preferences can also be edited by user himself with the "edit portlet mode".

uPortal supported versions

  • esup-filemanager 3.0.0 (and above) is no longer compatible with JSR168 portals ( like uPortal v2 and v3) : use uPortal 4.x !



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Credits & License

Copyright (C) 2018 Esup Portail
Copyright (C) 2018 UNR RUNN
Copyright (C) 2018 RECIA
@Author (C) 2018 Vincent Bonamy <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Jean-Pierre Tran <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Julien Marchal <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Julien Gribonvald <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 David Clarke <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Pierre Bouvret <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Franck Bordinat <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Pascal Rigaux <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Olivier Franco <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Maxime Bossard <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Guillaume Colson <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Denis Elbaz <>
@Contributor (C) 2018 Dominique Lalot <>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Adopters of This Portlet

Normandy Universities