Newsletter - 201111 - November 2011





- Jasig Celebrates Another Successful Annual Unconference


Central Authentication Service (CAS)
- CAS 3.4.11 Released

- uPortal 4.0.2 Released
- uPortal Community Call (December)


- Webinar - Impact the Online Campus with the New uPortal 4 (Thursday, December 15, 1 p.m. EST)


Jasig Celebrates Another Successful Annual Unconference

Jasig, the higher-ed open source consortium of educational institutions and commercial affiliates, held its annual Unconference and related “developer days” outside of Boston the week of November 7th. This year, UMassOnline hosted the event, and participants were able to attend without a registration fee. A small, passionate group of over 30 attendees dynamically determined discussion topics at the beginning of each day, listing possible topics and then mapping them onto timeslots and meeting spaces. Throughout each day there were at least three separate in-depth conversations ranging from technical road maps to local implementation efforts to inter-project collaboration. The group participated in a successful week of collaboration, innovation, and learning. Highlights of the unconference included:

* Many 10-minute "lightning talks" introduced participants to new initiatives across the wide range of Jasig projects.
* Several organizations considering implementing Jasig projects were able to listen to overview sessions, and follow up with detailed discussions on local concerns.
* Roadmap discussions were held for CAS, uPortal, uMobile, and Bedework.
* Demos were held for CAS, Bedework, uMobile, Scheduling Assistant, Grouper, and more.
* Ongoing Identity Management conversations were held to explore the current ecosystem, related projects, and the requirements of local institutions.

Jasig plans to expand its Unconference to include more participants, more open source projects, and more topics in 2012.


Central Authentication Service (CAS)

CAS 3.4.11 Released

The CAS development team is pleased to announce the release of 3.4.11, which may be obtained as a download bundle from or as individual artifacts from Maven Central. This is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes, security patches, and minor improvements. It should be a drop-in replacement for overlays built against 3.4.10 except for a minor change to JPA configuration documented at

Release highlights:
- Security fix to prevent CRLF attack vector in service parameter (CAS-1064)
- JPA fixes and improvements (CAS-930, CAS-1051)
- LDAP fixes and improvements (CAS-1055, CAS-1047)
- UI fixes and improvements (CAS-1029, CAS-1040, CAS-1035, CAS-1036, CAS-1043)

Please see the release notes for a full description of changes:

We would like to thank all the developers who contributed to this release, in particular Travis Emmert and Bucky Spires of Veracode who reported the CRLF vulnerability. Please see for a full write up of that

Marvin Addison



uPortal 4.0.2 Released

Jasig is proud to announce the general audience release of uPortal 4.0.2. The first of our scheduled monthly patch releases for uPortal 4.0 we've fixed a number of issues that have been brought up by initial adopters.

Important Update Notes

There are a few new tables in 4.0.2. To add these tables, run ant db-hibernate-update once you have the 4.0.2 source installed.


[UP-3095] - Localized names of layout structure elements are ignored
[UP-3121] - Fix permissions lookup form
[UP-3127] - IdentityImportExportTest fails when executed by mvn test
[UP-3136] - "Return to dashboard" link is broken in search results page (search portlet focused view)
[UP-3177] - Cannot disallow 'remove this portlet' in Ajax-based fragment permissions
[UP-3178] - Possible missing </div> in markup for Permissions Manager portlet
[UP-3191] - InvalidRegex: Pattern value '[\w-_]+' is not a valid regular expression. The reported error was: ''-' is an invalid character range. Write '\-'.' at column '3'.
[UP-3192] - Invalid Regular Expression in common-types XSD
[UP-3193] - TableFormatterTest fails on Windows Environments
[UP-3194] - issue rendering page after authentication.
[UP-3197] - uPortal Classloader not set in pluto callbacks
[UP-3202] - The 'Add to my layout' window has title upMsg:getMessage('add.content', $USER_LANG)
[UP-3203] - 'Back to my dashboard' doesn't work in focused mode of transient portlets
[UP-3209] - Logging In portlet suggests can log in as "demo/demo" but that username/password combo doesn't work
[UP-3214] - proposed patch for circular dependencies in Grouper Groups and possible other group stores.
[UP-3220] - failing unit tests in 4.0.0 quickstart
[UP-3223] - fix for importing channels when using Grouper as a group service backend.
[UP-3224] - ConcurrentModificationException during data-export
[UP-3226] - Resource request validation-based caching responds inappropriately after timeout with a still-valid ETag
[UP-3227] - UP4 file upload returns empty (null) request parameters
[UP-3228] - Mobile theme is missing alt attributes for portlet icons
[UP-3234] - serveResource() method within GenericPortlet throws "java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response" error
[UP-3236] - LDAP person directory not searched when attempting to add a person to a group
[UP-3237] - ConfigMode fails with BadlyFormattedFlowExecutionKeyException
[UP-3238] - Portlets can't modify read-only preferences in CONFIG mode
[UP-3239] - uP4 Permissions not included in default dataset


[UP-2993] - Uprade all themes to Fluid 1.4
[UP-3147] - set expires and cache-control response headers for resource urls when possible
[UP-3170] - Implement Portal Events
[UP-3171] - Update database event handling to use new portal event model
[UP-3198] - Improve JpaPortletExecutionInterceptor, copy logic from Spring's JpaInterceptor
[UP-3199] - Remove unused Locators
[UP-3213] - Change label in footer from "" to "uPortal website"
[UP-3217] - Support for multi-valued attributes in User Info Map in uPortal 4
[UP-3229] - Update desktop and mobile themes to declare HTML5 as the doctype
[UP-3231] - Add DB based locking service
[UP-3232] - Upgrade Depdencies

New Feature

[UP-2604] - Integrate statistics aggregation tool
[UP-3218] - Bundle the Jasig Email Preview portlet with the uPortal platform


[UP-3230] - Remove legacy Android skin


[UP-3122] - Permission field autocomplete only works with lowercase letters
[UP-3123] - Actual field values should not be grayed out like the initial example values
[UP-3162] - Create portlet for translating database messages
[UP-3189] - Resource aggregator should find every skin implicitly

Release Notes:

Eric Dalquist


uPortal Community Call (December)

The next uPortal Community Call has been scheduled for Wednesday December 14th, 2011, starting at 8:30am PT, 11:30am ET, 16:30 BT. For those of you that were unable to make it to the Jasig Unconference, this will be a great opportunity to find out the latest developments in the uPortal project. A lot has been going on in recent months. We expect to touch on the following topics:

* uPortal's new monthly release strategy
* uPortal's move to Git - what does it mean to me?
* New usage stats aggregation and reporting capabilities
* New portlets related to uMobile
* The uPortal 4.1 roadmap

For more information on how to view the webinar and dial in for audio, please see

Jim Helwig and the uPortal Steering Committee


Webinar - Impact the Online Campus with the New uPortal 4 (Thursday, December 15, 1 p.m. EST)

Join us at this webinar to learn how to extend the impact of the new uPortal 4 [1] for the campus portal. Drew Wills, Software Architect, Unicon, will share his portal expertise using live examples from real portal use cases. Drew has extensive experience with uPortal, and will demonstrate some of uPortal 4's new capabilities. He will also show how the portal extends to meet many different campus needs.

In this free, live webinar, attendees will learn:

* How uPortal handles real use cases (e.g. campus-wide alerts)
* How institutions can leverage uPortal for brand awareness and other business cases
* What's new in uPortal 4.0 via a live demo

Higher education institutions offer an increasing amount of resources and services to all of their communities via the Web. Leveraging the right portal technology can transform the online campus into an essential vehicle for achieving and driving the institution's academic mission and critical initiatives. Enterprise information portals (EIP) strategically ease this complexity through unified, customized, and contextualized user experiences.

Portals enforce the institution brand while centralizing access to campus services: academics, financial records, announcements, campus news feeds, and more. Selecting the appropriate framework is an exercise in determining which portal solution has the optimum fit for the campus and provides the level of control that the IT department requires.


[1] uPortal 4 Feature Brochure:


Jasig Newsletter - November 2011

Editor: Mark Rogers

Online edition at:

Past editions of the Jasig Newsletter can also be found in the Jasig wiki at:
