JASIG.org Requirements

JASIG.org Requirements

Communicating the basics of the JASIG Organization

Purpose of the JASIG

The jasig.org website should include a block of content which describes the purpose of JASIG. There should be an About page with, among other things, some organizational history.

Stewardship and Intellectual Property

There should be a place on the site that discusses stewardship and IP.

JASIG Values

There should be a place on jasig.org that describes key JA-SIG values. This page should answer the question "What is JASIG all about?"


The jasig.org website should include a block of content which describes the activities in which JASIG is engaged, including the major software projects.


JASIG.org should have a page about JASIG projects articulating what it means to be a project and linking out to more information on e.g. how to go about starting a new JASIG project. The page should explain what JASIG does for its projects, and what it does not do. It should explain what JASIG does to facilitate cooperation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. The page should explain where JASIG is going with its new projects including how many, how soon, how big...


There should be a separate page which describes JASIG Governance, board members, linkage to project liasons, etc.

JASIG Membership

The JASIG.org website should highlight the current membership, how an institution goes about becoming a member. There should be both a full listing of memberhsip as its own page and a way to highlight featured members and new members (perhaps a rotating block on the front page). This should feature the logos of institutional members.


JA-SIG Institutional Members

 Colleges and Universities, with logos

JA-SIG Partners and JA-SIG Affiliates

The JASIG.org website should highlight and list JASIG Partners and JA-SIG Affiliates, including logos and services offered.  JA-SIG Partners should receive priority placement on the site

Marketing JASIG

CIO-targeted pages

There should be an area of the site targeting CIOs and decision makers including

  • case studies
  • quote(s) from peer CIOs
  • benefits of using Open Source
  • Value of membership


The JASIG.org website should highlight the awards won by JASIG and its projects.

External linkages

  • link to all JA-SIG project sites (uPortal, CAS, Hypercontent)
  • link to JASIG wiki
  • link to JASIG UK (Update:  That site went away for the time being...)
  • link to ESUP-Portail
  • The left-side navigation links need better organization and should include any new suggestions here that are adopted.

Communicating timely, dynamic, JASIG information


News items that are generally JASIG related (i.e. annual conference announcements) and feature news items specific to JA-SIG projects (i.e. uPortal Training Available...). News items should be ordered by an editable date that is by default the timestamp of news item creation. News should be available via RSS. There should be a way to flag items as "sticky" so that they float to the top of the list (this is envisioned as useful for conference announcements). There should be a way to set an expiration date for news items such that they will expire from being featured after their expiration (this is envisioned as useful for announcing the availability of a training class for which there is some deadline to enroll or which happens and finishes and becomes no longer relevant).

News should be available as an RSS feed.


Separate from News, there should be a section on the site highlighting upcoming JASIG (and related) events - conferences, unconferences, etc. Events should be available as an iCal feed (nice-to-have) and there should be an RSS of updates about JA-SIG events and conferences (requirement).

Communicating how to make contact and take the next step

JASIG.org should include information on how to contact JASIG, links to the mailing lists, and a "Contact Us" form.