uPortal.org requirements

uPortal.org requirements

Registration and Login

uPortal.org should interface with JASIG's Crowd instance to afford end-users the ability to register and to login.


The uPortal project needs to be able to publish news which are also published via RSS.


The uPortal website needs to vend largeish uPortal release downloads. It should be easy and clear from the user experience to find the right releases of uPortal, and it should be possible to find all releases of uPortal.

Marketing considerations

The website should appropriately market uPortal, explaining its features and providing some compelling screenshots.

uPortal Implementations

The site should have a list of uPortal implementations (sites that have implemented uPortal). It should be easy for a uPortal adopter to submit an entry to this listing. (This might interface with the Crowd login mechanism discussed above.) It should be easy for uPortal developers and website contributors to update this listing. This listing should expose an XML feed so it can be rendered in other contexts.

This could start out as linking to the wiki page of implementations, but it might be nice to have a form that would allow someone to easily add themselves.

Ideally the mechanism for storing and presenting these would track certain attributes of these implementations, including what uPortal version is in use, how many users it serves, what database platform is in use, what authentication mechanism is in use, who the contacts are for the deployment, and URLs linking to e.g. the deployment, documentation, walkthroughs.

Ideally this feature would afford inclusion of screenshots of these sites.


The uPortal website should help people to understand where to go next, to the uportal manual space in the wiki, to the email lists and their archives.

Commercial Affiliates

There should be a tasteful, appropriate, but present listing of JA-SIG Commercial Affiliates providing services for uPortal, with JASIG Strategic Partners listed first.

Relationship to JASIG

The relationship of uPortal to JASIG should be implicitly suggested by the branding, site design relationship, navigation, feel, etc., and should be explicitly treated in the about matter.

uPortal steering committee

The uPortal steering committee and governance/advisory structure should be included in the uPortal website.

Issue reporting

That people are welcome to submit issues to the issue tracker should be clear, as should the (different!) path for submitting potentially critical security issues.