Portlet Entity and Window IDs
Portlet Entity ID
Contains 3 parts, separated by an underscore.
- portlet definition ID: 88
- layout node ID: n149
- user ID: 52
- Formatted: 88_n149_52
Portlet Window ID
A portlet window ID can be thought of as a portlet entity ID with an optional portlet window instance ID added.
With Portlet Window Instance ID
Contains 2 parts, separated by a period.
- portlet entity ID: 88_n149_52
- portlet window instance ID: 1
- Format: 88_n149_52.1
Without Portlet Window Instance ID
See Portlet Entity ID Format.
Stateless Portlet Windows
For stateless portlet windows, the portlet window-instance ID used is "tw".
Example portlet window ID: 5_ctf1_18.tw
Portlets with Delegate
For portlets that have a delegate portlet, the portlet entity ID will consist of a specially-formatted layout node ID.
Layout Node ID Format: <delegate-prefix>-<delegate-portlet-modified-window-id>
By definition, "delegate-prefix" is: dlg
The "delegate-portlet-modified-window-id" is the portlet window ID of the delegate portlet, with the underscores replaced by dashes.
- Example 1: 88_n149_52 --> 88-n149-52
- Example 2: 5_ctf1-18.tw --> 5-ctf1-18.tw
Overall Example:
- delegate portlet window ID: 5_ctf1_18.tw
- portlet entity ID: 146_dlg-5-ctf1-18.tw_18
- How does channelPublishId relate to portletDefinitionId (are they the same)?
- How does subscribeId relate to layoutNodeId (are they the same)?