Portlet Administration Portlet

A working page for design and development of a new Portlet Administration portlet.

The term "portlet" will be used to include both channels and portlets.

UP-2047 Create administrative portlet for managing channels, groups, and permissions

This Jira tracks the design and development tasks:

Design and development is modeled after the Fluid Design and Development Process



Pain Points

While not exhaustive, this Channel Manager usability heuristic evaluation identifies some of the pain points.

Problem Statement

The current Channel Manager functionality has significant usability problems that make managing portlets difficult and cumbersome. The user experience is a setback for the entire portal.


Design a new user experience for managing portlets and build it as a modern portlet.

  1. Allow users to publish portlets easily and efficiently
  2. Free up content authoring and editing from the IT department - who are (generally) not the content owners - and pass those abilities on to the rightful content authors.
  3. Provide sensible and effective publishing workflow, without over-complicating the portal with overlapping CMS functionality.


Portal Administrators

A person responsible for the overall administration of the portal including roles, groups, and permissions.

Persona(s): Paula Portaladmin

Content Owners

A person responsible for the contents and presentation of a fragment. A fragment is usually a tab/page with several portlets. The Fragment Owner is concerned with who sees the fragment, the page layout of the fragment, and the individual portlet contents from a management perspective. An example might be the Library tab/fragment.

Persona(s): George McFadden, Anita Stalmach

Content Authors

A person responsible for the contents and presentation of an individual portlet. A portlet may be comprised of many views and interactions. A Content Author may be managing the content of the portlet (as in webproxy) completely outside of the portal with an external content management system. The Content Author is the authority on the content, but not the portlet container or technology. An example might be the Cafeteria Menu portlet.

Persona(s): Anita Stalmach, Stacey Pearson

User Needs




Wireframes & Mockups


User Testing Protocol

A planned future activity. For now, reference the Fluid Design Handbook: User Testing.

User Testing Results

A planned future activity.


Lightweight Functional Specification

A planned future activity. For now, reference User Interface.