Unconference 2011 Documentation Task List

Unconference 2011 Documentation Task List

  1. Documentation Objectives

    1. What do you want to sign up for?
      1. ICLA's documents for contributors who do not have one on record.
      2. uPortal Project
        1. Look at the wiki space for a topic(s) you wish to be responsible for
          1. Topics Available for Edit and/or New Content
            1. ** Person Attribute Group Store (PAGS) Overview proofread
            2. ** Audiences proofread
            3. ** Fragments
              1. fragments as database entities (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-69)
              2. setup a fragment layout
              3. define a fragment using dlm.xml
            1. ** Additional NEW uPortal 4 Features to be documented (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-73)
            2. Import/Export tools (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-74)
            3. Maven Overlays
              1. Ways people are using overlays (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-71)
            1. User Interface
              1. Mobile theming (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-72)
            1. Site Administration
              1. Groups Manager
            1. Systems Administration
              1. Statistics 
              2. JVM tuning 
              3. Load Balancing Examples
                1. Apache
                2. Hardware based solutions 
              4. Troubleshooting tips
              5. Any ideas?
            1. Portlets (https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-64)
              1. more talk about portlets inside manual
                1. Standard Guide
                2. Developers Guide
          1. Jira Tickets
            1. Please feel free to submit tickets if you spot anything that needs work
            2. Other Jira tickets up for grab!!!
              1. https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-61 (Site Administration section of the uP 4 Manual)
              2. https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-60 (Verify HyperSonic SQL db configuration)
              3. https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-62 (UserInfo Services) 
              4. https://issues.jasig.org/browse/UPD-67 (Best Practices for upgrading)
          2. Proofreading
            1. Do all links work?
            2. Are images/screenshots correct
            3. Are file paths in the manual correct?
            4. Do you have screen shots that will enhance the content?
            5. Is it ACCURATE?
          3. Reviewers
            1. Expertise in a topic?
              1. Review content
        2. Thoughts
          1. How do you feel about the progress of the new manual?
          2. What do you wish to see in the new manual?
      3. uMobile Project
        1. https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UMM/Manual+Home
        2. Start putting this on your radar
          1. This coming year 2012 will be taking a closer look at the manual
          2. get involved
          3. feedback please