2010 August Call


This is a monthly update call open to everyone to discuss the progress being made on OpenRegistry

Time: August 31st, 2010, 1:30pm Eastern
Conference Bridge: (712)432-1600, access code: 548898#



  1. Update from Rutgers
  2. Update from SFU
    • SVN Branch
    • Documenting Java Classes
    • Documenting Installation Procedures
    • Non-person domain objects
  3. Interested Institutions
    • University of British Columbia (UBC)
    • Ontario College of Art & Design
  4. Jira and Greenhopper
  5. Educause presentation and Meetup planning
  6. Fluid Project interest in OpenRegistry
  7. Advisory Committee
  8. Additional Items
    1. SorPersons and Roles
      • Does an SorPerson require at least one role? If not where does contact email address get stored?


Rutgers is changing their deployment plan
Phased implementation approach
PeopleSoft hard date of December for January 1st payroll
No test data yet, replace existing IdM (PDP) would be bad
Start accepting HR data into PDB
Registry work will go into spring, March 31st, first release
Not tied to PeopleSoft deployment

  • finalizing development
  • testing feed from student system
  • batch file imports
  • scripts load up scratch tables, spring batch
  • initial load of database from PDB
  • need to keep old PDB running for people who are making database calls
  • Authz work being checked in

SFU and Rutgers are going to start working from a common backlog of tasks.

  • Omer from Rutgers and Jeremy from SFU will coordinate functionality requirements
  • Functionality for specific releases will be determined and worked towards

UBC is working on an IdAM program and looking at OpenRegistry and various other solutions to an array of IdAM concerns
SFU and UBC will meet periodically to keep each other up to date on IdAM progress

Ontario College of Art & Design is exploring the IdM space.
Looking at KIM and OpenRegistry.
Still in early exploration phase, will keep us up to date.

Fluid Project interest in OpenRegistry

  • Originated at UofT now based out of OCAD
  • focused on user interfaces, making them well designed, accessible
  • Jasig and Sakai done lots of work with them
  • Jonathan was in Toronto speaking to them
  • Interest in being a Jasig supported project
  • Well aware of OpenRegistry project
  • Go to people for good user interface design
  • Universities and Government need a solution like OpenRegistry
  • Possible Joint funding for user interface
  • Visibility of OpenRegistry is good
  • Provide services if you can come up with funding
  • Experience with uPortal user interface

Advisory Committee

  • Contributing institutions should have representation on the Advisory Committee
  • Jeremy and Dave to join the committee

Action Items

  • Omer to send high level release cycle/gantt charts to Jeremy for discussion
  • Jeremy to set up Advisory Committee call/conversation
  • Jeremy to float Educause meetup plans
  • Jeremy to send Dave ideas for Educause presentation
  • Jonathan to connect Jeremy, Dave and anyone else relevant with the Fluid Project