2014 03 30 Biweekly


Mon 30 Mar @ 3pm ET/12pm PT

Registration link: http://bit.ly/1fjY6Qo


  • Benn Oshrin, UCB
  • Ronnie Ong, UCB

  • Dima Kopylenko, Unicon
  • Bill Thompson, Unicon
  • JJ, Unicon
  • Jeremy Rosenberg, SFU
  • Keith Hazelton, Madison
  • Dave Steiner, Rutgers
  • Kevin Dale, UCSF

  • Dedra Chamberlin, UCB

  • Andrei Mattes, UCSF

Agenda & Notes

  1. Review prior action items
  2. OR Governance (Apache PMC)
    1. Setting up the first governance committee
  3. Review incubation exit criteria (discuss on 4/14 call)
    1. Time to change the project name?
    2. Release plans
    3. Public website
    4. Other issues?
    5. Timeline to get to June
  4. ORII Sprint Planning and Technical Discussion
    1. What tasks are missing from ORII JIRA?
    2. What tasks should go on the backlog for next two weeks?
    3. OR in Guest Management Architecture
    4. Add Person via REST API
    5. "primary" attribute vs election to prc_persons
  5. Project Development Reports
    1. Berkeley
      1. Ongoing Data Model and Domain Model work
    2. Rutgers
  6. Planning for OpenApereo / Post conference meetup
  7. Next Call
    1. 4/14

Action Items

Carry Over

  • Benn to reach out to Ian / Incubation WG
  • Benn to request space for post-Apereo meetup
  • Bill to work with JJ/Dima to draft proposal for git branch structure
  • Benn to send note to dev list re adopting modified PMC and solicit nominees
  • JJ to draft initial backlog for OR2 pipeline